Question 57

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GachaClubDefender5: Here is a question from kingstar680. *Reading the question* Lauro How is the future baby coming on what's your boyfriend If you know what I mean >:D?

Prixie: *Confuse* Eh?

Lauro: *Unamused look* The f--k is that question? I'm NOT Gay or a Bi. I'm Straight. 

Laurie: *Confuse* Where did that question of cuz future baby & boyfriend come from?

Lauro: ... I can only think of one person. *>:(* And is that obsession ship journal notes Luigiella! Darn you Luigiella, you just have to bring up a Clark X Lauro! Why I tell you, WHY?!

SNG4: *-_-* Are you overacting a bit Lauro?

Prixie: Didn't you also overact to Megan X SNG4?

SNG4: *Shivering* DON'T... Bring... That... Up...

Laurie: *Giggle*  

-Words Result: 140-

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