Chapter 1: Holiday's of Future Passed!

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So now all of the kids are adults! Lisa's POV. Now my daughter, Zia, is a teen. Around 14. Millhouse, father of Zia, walks in, wheezing/coughing. "Lise, I'm afraid my seasonal allergies are kicking in." Millhouse tells me. "Oh, You poor thing," I say to my husband. "This is a tough time of year for someone who's allergic to holly, mistletoe, the red part of candy canes." "I can't believe we put a man on the Sun, but we can't stop my sneezing!" Millhouse says. He sneezes. Zia walks in. "Hi, Zia. How did you do on your math test?" I ask my daughter. "Gee, I'm fine, Mom. Thanks for asking. I'm going online." She says. She puts the cord in her neck and goes online. Zia's POV. "Ugh! How did my daughter turn into my brother?" Mom asks muffled. "1,000 of the following people want to befriend you, Zia Simpson." A computer voice says. "Aaron Flanders? Ugh, religous people. I guess I can try." I say. I hit confirm. "Hi, I'm Aaron! Unlike my father, Todd Flanders, I am not religious!" He says. "Ooh, maybe sometime we could go to a concert together." I say. I chuckle. I sigh. Maggie's POV. "Everything looks great, Maggie, but untill this baby comes, I don't want you to make a sound." The computer says. "But she's our lead singer, Mate." The first man in my band says. "I'm sorry, but recent research has shown that the umbilical cord is also a vocal cord. Now, can you tell me who the father is?" The computer asks. "Mmm, we will not." One of the men say, because they are all the father. Lisa's POV Mom bakes. "Want to go to a concert tonight? 68% of the original Cher is playing." I tell my daughter. "Sure. I'd love to...only not with you and not that." She tells me. She goes back online and passes out. I groan. Ugh, She is so disrespectful! I say in my head. "Sometimes I wish strangling your kid was still legal." I say. "Not since they passed Homer's Law." Mom says, referring that the law was made because Dad strangled Bart too much once, and the police saw that he almost died. "Oh, Honey, Why don't you just relax and bake or something?" She asks. "Ugh. I am trying to deal with my disrespectful daughter, but you are too clueless to know what that's like." I say. "Uh huh." Mom replies, sarcastically. Zia is still online. Dad arrives with Skippy and Jiff, his grandchildren, Bart's childen, Zia's cousins, Maggie's nephews, and my nephews. "Hey, Sweetie." Dad says. "Marge said there was some family tension." Dad says. "And at Christmas, at all times." Dad says. "My daughter thinks I'm a ruthless tyrant. Like Hitler or Prince Harry." I say. Dad replies with a chuckle. "Bloody Harry. He brought back beheading in a big way. Now I'm gonna show these boys downtown Springfield." Dad replies to himself and me. "Ooh, Isn't that a little dangerous?" I ask. "Oh, Don't worry. I have my invisibly cloak." Dad says, sounding like a fat and old Harry Potter. "Now, where did I put it?" He asks. He walks towards the closet and finds only hangers that he could see. "Uh oh." He says. I walk outside of the house with one or two bottles of wine. I see fireworks. They say, "What a night for Buzz Cola!" "Hey, Lise. Want to come up?" Bart asks. "Eh, why not?" I say. I climb up the rope. We get drunk a little. "Should I have married Nelson?" I ask Bart, slurring. "Cause we still talk on the phone." I whisper. "Nelson calls you?" Bart asks. "Well.....Someone calls someone." I say. "The boys think I'm a lousy father." Bart tells me. "Oh, Poor Bart. My daughter thinks I'm a lousy mother." I tell Bart. Bart laughs. "Sorry." He says. "Meh, It's okay. But you know who took her side? Marge Bouvier Simpson." I say. Bart blows a raspberry. "What'd she do?" Bart asks. "She told me to relax and bake cookies!" I say, not drunk anymore. "Did ya bake any?" Bart asks, still drunk. "Yes, I did. And they were some of the best cookies ever made in this house." I say, drunk again. "But that is not the point!" I say, very serious. "Well, Mom kept your hands off you and you turned out great." Bart tells me. "You think so?" I ask. "Maybe it's the court mandated sincerity chip I got in my brain, but, Lis, Your the person I always wanted to be." Bart tells me. "Aww........" I say hugging him. He smiles. He returns the hug. Dad, Skippy and Jiff laugh. "I gotta reconnect with those boys." Bart tells me, referring to his sons. "Godspeed, Bart." I say. "I'm going to apologize to Mom." I tell him. "How do I get down?" I ask. "Our conciousness was a secret for thousands of years." The tree says. "Then one pine tree had to open his sappy mouth." He says. "Back in position!" Bart says. He claps. The tree groans. I walk into Mom and Dad's room "Mom, Your the best!" I say to Mom drunk. "Oh, Sweetie." Mom says. We snuggle. "I've been waiting to hear that for so long." Mom says. "Aw, You could've waited till morning." Mom says. "Mmm." She says. Maggie's POV. So now I am at the hospital. "Lady, This is Maggie Simpson!" The driver says, referring to my rock star phase. "She just played a sold out show in Beijing." He tells the nurse. "Hmm. a star in the east...." She says. "Hmm, let me see." She says. she grabs the computer. "We do have a little room in the manager. I mean, mangier wing." She says. I nod. Lisa's POV. "Merry Christmas Eve! Where are the kids?" Mom asks me and Bart. "I know where mine is." I say. Zia's POV. "Hey, Come on, Let's go to a concert!" I say to Aaron. "Whoo!!!!!!!!" We say. Lisa's POV. "I'm going to take a page out of your playbook and let it slide." I tell Mom. "Where's Dad?" Bart asks. "He took to boys out." I tell him. "How could he be such a cool grandfather when he's such a loudly father?" Bart asks. "People learn from their mistakes!" Mom says to Bart. "And your father made so many mistakes." She says to me. "And now Patty and Selma are here to help us decorate with their new lovebots." Mom tells me. "Make me a bloody mary, Dollface." Selma says to the male lovebot. "No, Selma. Even a lovebot built to only love you cannot love you. I am leaving with your sister's concu-droid." The male lovebot says to Aunt Selma. She grumbles. Maggie's POV. I breath heavily. "Should we start a epidural?" A nurse asks. "Now, Nurse, You know we've found something much more effective." Dr. Hibbert puts a pacifier in my mouth. I suck on it. Marge's POV. "Oh, it's so good to meet the octuplets' octuplets." I say to Apu and his wife. Tha babies laugh. I get a B-Mail from Maggie. "Oh, I just got a B-Mail from Maggie! She's gone into labor!" I say. "Oh, another grandchild. How special." Apu says as I leave. "Careful of how you shut the door! It upsets the children!" Manjula tells me. I close the door very, very slowly. The babies cry. Lisa's POV. I pace. "Hands off, hands off." I repeat to myself. I see a code in my daughter's drool. "Ah, screw it. Sometimes, a mother's job is to butt in!" I say to myself. "Lisa?" Mom says with decorations. "Butt out!" I say. She groans. "This is it. I am going to The Ultranet to save my daughter." I say heroically. I put the cord in my neck and go into The Ultranet. "Lisa Simpson, The Following people want to befriend you." The computer says. I ignore all of them. "Ooh, Martin Prince is now Marcia Princess?" I ask myself, intrigued. "No, I need to find Zia!" I say, remembering my mission. Nelson comes, but I press ignore and punish. "Now, where is the Google door?" I ask, finding a sign that says Goole, and it is formed by Dr. Suess characters making letters. "Ah, right. It's Dr. Suess's birthday." I say remembering. "Google, Evem though you've enslaved half of the world, your still a damn fine search engine." I say to myself. I search Zia Simpson. It shows the door to her page. "Bingo!" I say. It shows a Bingo door. "Aargh!" I say. It shows another door. I push the other doors away as I grunt. I look at the door. "I open this door, and I become one kind of a mother to another. Hmm..." I say to myself. Marge's POV. I get to the hospital. Maggie breaths heavily, as she is in labor. "I'm glad your here, Marge. They're two minutes apart." Dr. Hibbert tells me. "The contractions?" I ask. "No, my bills!" He laughs. Lisa's POV. I am still in The Ultranet thinking about my decision. "Mmm." I say, still not sure about entering Zia's page. I enter. I walk in, seeing a room. I see lots of posters. Joane of Arc, Queen Elizabeth I, Marie Curie, Empress Zimzam, and me! And on it is a tiny note that says, "mom".  I gasp happily. "Mom? Why are you here?" Zia asks, appearing. "I was worried. I thought I would find---" Zia cuts me off. "What? Me flashing my boobs at!" She asks. "What? No! It doesn't matter what I thought. I'm sorry I spied on you. But what I found is, my daughter looks up to me!" I tell her. "Well, of course I do! I look up to both my parents." Zia tells me. Millhouse appears. "Can someome FedEx me a prayer mat? AND QUICK!" He disappears. "But I  eepecially look up to you." She smiles. "Aww." We hug. Zia's POV. The door that leads to a party with somone drinking beer. I see this, and close it. We get out of the Ultranet. The next morning....It is now Christmas Day! We go sit on the couch. "Everyone! It's a girl!" Grandma Marge says referring to Aunt Maggie's daughter, Maggie Junior. "So, who's the father?" Great-grandpa Abe asks Aunt Maggie. "Eh, it doesn't matter. If there is one a year to give unwed mothers a break, it's Christmas." Great-grandpa Abe says. Aunt Maggie puts Maggie Junior in the crib. "Okay, everyone! Smile while the pets take our picture!" Grandma Marge tells us. "Hmm, funny how they evolved and we didn't." Bart says. The pets take the picture. It is now midnight. I am still awake. I have a mug of hot chocolate. "Zia? What are doing still awake?" Mom asks. "It's nothing, really." I chuckle. "Zia...." She says. "Okay, fine. I'm really sorry, Mom." She says. "Sorry about what? Last night in The Ultranet was the best 5 minutes in my life!" Mom tells me. "Yeah, well, that's the thing. I have been rude to you for the last 14 years," I say before I hug her. "I'm so sorry, Mom." Mom's eyes widen in suprise. She then puts her arms around my waist. "I love you, Zia." She says. "I love you more, Mom." I smile. She then returns the smile. We then go to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2021 ⏰

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