Chapter 40

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Christian put the phone on speaker.At first all we hear is noise.The sound of hissing,shouting.My heart started to beating fast.

"Hello?" Christian said,voice strained."Dimitri?"

Then someone answers.

"It's Ben." He said,panting.

"Ben? Where's Belikov?" Christian asked more.

"No time to explain.Good news is Ashley got the cure for Rose," I saw Lissa's lips curled up intk a smile."It's somekind of a liquid.It's the only one.The bad news,this whole place had turned into hell.." The sound of Ben's grunts and a Strigoi hissed through the phone."-X duck!" X? Castor? He's there too? Of course he is.The whole squad is there,i thought bitterly.

Then Christian asked the question that I've been wanting to ask.

"Where are you? And again you have got to tell me where Belikov is!" Christian demanded through the phone,shotting up from the couch.

"We're in Spokane.At some nightclub or used to be a nightclub for Strigoi.James blew the whole place up,his decision alone.He burned his leg and broke his right arm.I left him at a safe place.Now,the rest of the Strigoi are chasing us for over...40 minutes now.I got Ash and Josh and Lily are covering for me.Christian you have got to send us help,we can't hold on for much longer.And as for Dimitri,he went back,i don't know why but he just took off,i didn't even get the chance- " The sound of two bullets fired through the phone.Silver charmed bullets for Strigoi.Very rare."-to ask him.He ordered me to stay and threw his phone to me and told me to call you." He panted heavily like he just ran 50 miles.Maybe he did."Shit.Ash! Help Lily! I need to get..." Blurred noise."Piece of shit.." He sighed."Hello? Sorry? Not really a good time to chat right now.."

"No! Lily!" I heard Josh's voice screaming through the phone.

I heard the phone dropped and footsteps running around.Shouting,crying.

"There!" Someone shouted but i couldn't tell who's.Someone picked up the phone.

"Someone tell me what's happenimg right now!" Christian demanded.

"Ben here!" I could hear the phone being thrown into the air.

The sound of a door slamming shut."Thank God.." i heard Ben whispered."Hey um..we're in some old guardian watch's safe for us to stay for an hour or two if were lucky.."

"I'll call Abe to send help.Is everyone alright?"

Ben sighed through the phone." Lily died.Just now.The Strigoi drunk from her and it's too late...she's right here with us,craddled in Ash's arms.Josh carried her body." He took in a deep breath."Please,please,please do not tell Rose about this.God,please don't tell her that one if her squad just died..i-i don't even.."

"Ben- " I snatched the phone from Christian's hand.

"I'm right here.."

"Oh shit Rose,I'm- "

"Doesn't matter.Put the speaker on."

"It's Rose." Ben said.

"Listen up you guys,I'm talking to you as your Sarge right now.Mayfly?"

I heard her sniffed."Yes Sarge."

"Remember Mission 7?" I didn't wait for her respond."Okay.I want you to pull that little stunt you did to keep the Strigoi from tracing you.Right now Mayfly.Tank follow her."

"Yes Sarge."

"Zombie,i want you to make sure everyone's safe.Take off as soon as the help is there."

"But Rose..what about Dimitri?"

A pang of hurt,guilty hit my heart.

"Just do as i told."

Dimitri,Dimitri,Dimitri.What the hell was he thinking?! I need to go help him.

I stood up.

"Rose,what are you doing?" Lissa asked.

"I need to go and help him."

"Rose,i already sent help." Sydney said.

"No.I need to find him.It's my fault.Why did i even let him go...why did i even let any of them go..i shouldn't.My fault."

"Rose stop." Sydney said,grabbing mu shoulders.

"I need to help him Syd.He needs me." My voice is fading and black spots everywhere.

"Oh god Rose.." i could feel myself being picked up.

"Her heart is beating slower." I heard Syd- maybe said.

"I'll call the medic."

Someone gripped my hand."Rose stay with me." I could feel myself slipping away."Don't go sleeping on me yet.Rose stay- "

Sorry,that i haven't updated for days.I felt bad and fyi i might not be updating next week either.Exams coming up.Anyway vote and comment as usual.Also i apologized for a very very short chapter. ~Mariam

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