Chapter 9

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"Different language"
"Kurama talking"
'Kurama thinking'

⚠️Slight cussing in this chapter⚠️

(Whole Chapter no one P.O.V)

The next morning Naruto was to the first to wake up. He slowly made his way to breakfast trying to draw out the inevitable before going to the holding cells where he found everyone waiting for him.

"Took you long enough, Baka!" Sakura yelled.

"I'm sorry my beauty isn't as fake as yours, and that I need a little bit of time to perfect my hair." Naruto sassed.

"Excuse me?!" Sakura screeched. ( my god does she ever shut up?)

"You heard me." Naruto said walking over to Bruce who stood next to Tony.

"Natasha you deal with Tobi, Steve Zetsu, and I'll deal with Sasuke." Fury told them.
They nodded and went into their respective interrogation rooms.

"So, you think they'll get any information?" Clint asked break the tension that had settled in the room.

"I doubt it, Sasuke won't be that easy to get any information out of." Kurenai said. The conversation went on for another 15 minutes before someone yelled.

"Uzumaki!" Fury yelled coming out of the room.

"Shit." Naruto muttered.

"Uzumaki!" Fury said walking into the room.

"Yes, sir?" Naruto asked.

"He said he'll only talk to you." Fury said, and though he didn't sound sorry Naruto could tell by the look in his eyes that he didn't want Naruto to have to go in there.

Naruto sighed he knew something like this was going to happen.

"I got it." Naruto started walking towards the room before Sakura once again just had to open her mouth.

"Now you really won't get Sasuke-Kun to talk, not with that Demon." Sakura yelled smiling like she had won something. She did what no one else had done, she made Naruto snap back into his Anbu days.

"Chuunin Haruno, quiet." Naruto ordered. Kakashi knew this was serious Naruto had used her rank instead of her name.

"And who do you think you are to tell me what to do?!" Sakura yelled pushing Naruto even more.

"Former Anbu Captain Fox." Naruto told her, leaving everyone in shock. Anbu Captain Fox was one of the best, he was the Third Hokage's Third in command and was called in on the most dangerous missions. He was ruthless but showed mercy where it counted.

"Don't claim to be someone you're not." Kurenai stepped in. Naruto sighed.

"You might want to check your facts before you tell me I'm lying. You can asked Anbu, Snake, Falcon, or Wolf if you want more proof." Naruto said going into the interrogation room.

"You've had your fun, Naruto. Now, give us the Nine Tails, and let us go, and we'll leave your little friends alone." Sasuke said once Naruto was in the room.

"Funny if you think I'm just going to let you go. Tell me what you really want here." Naruto said.

"Why would I do that?" Sasuke asked.

"Well, you need me alive for something or you would of tried to kill me as soon as you entered this world." Naruto said

"The only thing we need is the Nine Tails." Sasuke said but his voice was unsure.

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