Chapter 21

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[21– Debris]

I'd asked how much longer it would take to reach the exits. 035 told me it would, under the assumption that things go smoothly, take about three more hours. We had been walking for some time since I'd rid of Ortiz.

I wasn't sure what would happen to me, going about the outside world with the mask, as I knew entering civilisation wouldn't be simple. People were not how they used to be back then, and the Foundation is aware of the mask's existence, unlike how they were before. Walking out in the open would be a different experience for him compared to when he was found back in Venice. As his associate to everything we'd done throughout the containment breach, it would be the same for me.

I was guilty of murder, and if the cameras hadn't all miraculously malfunctioned during the breach, I knew there would be plenty of footage of me tagging along with the mask, or even some of the instances in which we killed someone.

These were things I couldn't help myself from thinking about as we drew closer and closer to the facility's exits. Once I was out of here, I would have to handle the consequences of what I'd done in here. Humanity would not accept someone like me. It wasn't as if they ever truly did, in a way. My life experiences had been enough to prove that.

I sighed, my feet beginning to ache again. We'd taken a break earlier to rest myself from all of the walking, but I figured it was inevitable for the hurt to come creeping from my feet so soon. I decided I'd ignore it for as long as I was able to, as it was best to not delay reaching the exits as much as possible.

"Can I ask if you have a destination in mind for when we get out of here?" I asked, being in line with him as we moved.

035 kept his gaze ahead as he answered. "Several. It all depends on the way in which things end up during out escape for which I intend on enacting."

"Like what?"

"Mhm... Travelling far from here and away from the cities is mandatory. Isolated rural areas, the forests, the grassland... There are plenty of places to end up. Settling down wouldn't be a good option, especially being on the run and all." The mask said. "I've always a predilection for the nomadic life anyhow," he chuckled wistfully.

I subconsciously held a finger to the crease of my bottom lip. "Well... What about a farmhouse?"

The host's head whipped in my direction, a sound not unlike that of a scoff coming from him. "Do you know who you're talking to, dove?"

"Come on, it wouldn't be that bad. Besides, they're usually pretty isolated, and we could provide our own so we don't have to go anywhere."

"[Name], [Name], dear." He wriggled a finger my way. "There are much too many complications in such a thing. Monetary-wise, not only, but we'll be sitting ducks while the most dangerous, universal, highest funded secret society is on the hunt for us. Not only that, and I don't know if you've noticed, but high class royalty such as me doesn't work with grovelling in muck with pigs. Not to mention—"

"I get what you're saying." I gingerly pushed his host on the shoulder. "Calm down."

"Perfectly calm, doc', but you must work in the realms of reality here. The domestic life daydream is far from the possibilities." The mask crossed his arms.

"But I dunno how you can talk about not getting full of dirt with pigs when I'm sure you were always covered in filth way back then," I mumbled, leaning away.

035 must have heard it, as he snorted: "Oh, please, [Name]! I don't mind it, but I certainly don't do it enjoyably."

"You're full of filth all the time." I pointed to the black substance staining the dead man's collarbone. "Especially when you kill someone. You've always got blood all over you."

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