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after an hour passed we decided to watch movies although I was too bored to do anything. we were in the couch jihyo, sana, me, nayeon in one couch. chaeyoung, mina, tzuyu in the other one, and momo, jeongyeon on the other one. don't even ask me why I'm not sitting with momo, I don't know if jeongyeon is in her period or nayeon and she had a fight but she just went and sat with momo.

"what's wrong with your girlfriend" I nudged nayeon and questioned her whispering. "what do you mean ?! she's not my girlfriend yet and I myself don't know like- do you see how she's sticking with your love" nayeon whisper shouted me back and i blushed at the word love. "so do something about it ?" I said to nayeon taking a glance at jeongyeon who was laughing with momo seeing the movie while nayeon gave me a 'what am I supposed to do' look. "cling with eachother to make them jealous" sana butted in our conversation. "oof as if she'll get jealous" I replied. "you'll never know, give it a try" sana said whispering and nayeon just nodded and replied with okay

after our whispering session ended I scooted closer to nayeon thinking of what to do. "this is of no use" I said while nayeon just signaled me to keep quiet and wrapped her arm in my neck giving me a side hug. we stayed like that as we were supposed to cling with eachother, we didn't mind since we were partners in crime and used to do silly things.

nayeon was focused in the movie and we were still in the same position. I looked around and saw jihyo and sana cuddling eachother, chaeyoung stealing glances at mina but whenever mina used to look at her she used to pretend as if she's seeing the movie, tzuyu in her own world - lost in the movie, whereas... jeongyeon was watching the movie but momo was looking at me. we had eye contact and I felt myself being nervous in her gaze. if gaze could burn whole in body I would've been dead till now. she gave me a strange look and teared her gaze looking back at screen.

did I do something wrong ? I thought and continued to watch the movie. after like 5 minutes momo stood up and came to approach us, she whispered something to nayeon but I was not able to hear it.

nayeon's pov

I saw momo standing up from her place and coming towards us. I thought she had to say something to dahyun but instead she whispered something to me. "jeongyeon wants to say you something" momo signalled me to go where she had sat previously.

I went to sit beside jeongyeon. "you had something to say ?" I questioned her as I composed my position in the couch. "aah no" she replied, slightly confused. "oh- then ahm should I go back...?" I said. "NOO just sit with me, come more closer and hug me" jeongyeon replied cutely pouting in a annoyed voice as I granted her wish by hugging her.

dahyun's pov

after momo whispered something to nayeon, nayeon went to jeongyeon and sat there hugging her. momo sat beside me- her presence making my heart beat fast. I turned to her only to find her smirking at me. god that smirk makes me turn on "hi beautiful" I said to her, copying her smirk. "ahm h-hi gorgeous ?" she replied smiling cutely at me and why did she stutter ?

"having fun ?" I asked looking at the screen and back to her. "not really, the movie is boring" she replied pretending to fall asleep. "haha then we can have some fun" I replied chuckling but it came out in a rather flirtious and seducive tone, her smirk grew wider as I felt myself blush in embarrassment. "noooo what are you thinking about~" I whined and pouted looking away.

she giggled and came closer to me wrapping her arms around my waist and resting her chin on my shoulder, she blew air to my cheek which produced a tickling feeling in my cheek. "have I told you how cute you are ?" momo asked me while I was trying so hard to not smile. "uhm I thought you didn't find me cute" I replied smiling. "ah what a liee~" she sang out before chuckling. we just sat there enjoying the movie, cuddled up with eachother.

finally after the movie finished we stretched ourself and headed to have dinner. The others were in the dining table and me, jihyo, sana and nayeon were serving the food (the group which always has some tea 😩🍵)
"how did you feel after spending time with jeongyeon ?" I asked nayeon placing the plates. "same like how you felt with momo" she replied in a teasing tone and I just rolled my eyes jokingly.

"you like her right dahyun ?" jihyo asked who was on my left. "is that even a question ? she's too obvious" sana replied to jihyo. "hmm do you believe in the rumour that sooyoung has crush on momo and momo might like her aswell ?" jihyo asked to sana. wait what ? "who in the earth is sooyoung" I asked to whoever knows the answer.

"she works in same office as ours but we aren't familiar with her you know, and rumors are faster than the internet connection of there so we heard some co-workers gossiping about this that sooyoung has crush on momo but I don't know if momo likes her back cause if she did then she probably wouldn't have hide from us tho" sana replied. "even though if she likes her back somehow what would be the reason for her to hide it from public ?" nayeon asked. "maybe she's afraid that what if somehow her father knows and creates issue ? cause you know about the heechul and momo agreement or whatever it is right ? so maybe she's waiting for right time" sana said and I just stood blank.

I felt cold shiver in my body after hearing the conversation, as if someone has throw scattered glasses to me.



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