New friend

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Its been seven months since naruto entered the academy

Sasuke came to class different,Naruto doesn't know why but he assumes its to do with the 1 week that he was absent before he came back.

Murmurs, conversations,gasping and many more sounds were heard in the classroom

"I heard that sasuke is the last remaining loyal uchiha" one of the girls said

Naruto tried talking to him to help him get away from depression but to no avail.

A week before the genin exam

"I will probably be put in a team with sakura and kiba to form an all assault"naruto says with a worrying face

"But i want to be put in a team with hinata hime" the blonde thought to himself

An idea pops up in his head and tobirama sneezes from beyond the world of the living

Naruto goes to leave his compound to go to the hokage tower to visit his jiji's office

"Hi is lord third present?"naruto asked the receptionists

Without even looking up she says "yes".Naruto walks to the office and knocks

"Come in" the old hokage said

Naruto walks in

"Ah naruto kun why have you come to visit"
The hokage asked.

"I want to choose my team" naruto said with a straight face

"You know I can't do that,I cannot show favoritism to you" the old man said

Naruto Whispers in the hokage's ear
"Ill teach you how to deal with all your paperwork quickly if you allow me to choose"

Hiruzens eyes widen and a complete change of look was in the hokage's eyes "Which students do you want" the hokage said hurriedly

"I just want hinata hime i dont really care about the third person team"
He says to the old man

"Ill arrange that after you teach me how to deal with paper work" hiruzen said with a excited face

"Can you give me one of your unused vase and a marker?" Naruto asked

Hiruzen confused but still nodded and gave him a clay vase and a marker

Naruto took the vase then wrote something under it

Then gave it back and Whispered to the third hokage "Shadow clones"

Hiruzen quickly made a shadow clone and naruto left the building

Hiruzen wondered why he needed the vase and the marker and decided to look under the vase

It said "hit your head here"

Naruto was walking out of the tower when he heard a crash,it sounded like somebody hitted there head on a clay vase broke it.

Its finally the day naruto becomes a ninja and he is...Sleeping?

"HEY KIT WAKE UP" kurama said angry at blonde for not waking up

"Id you don't wake up ill have a bunch of fan girls chase you" kurama said as naruto woke up straight away

Naruto realised what day it was and made two shadow clones,One to prepare his outfit and weapons while other cooks breakfast,While the real naruto went to shower.

He wore a navy blue long sleeve shirt with a orange zipper and outlines having mesh armor underneath and leather shoulder and elbow pads,He also wore a wore black pants and knee pads coupled with traditional ninja slippers,And also wearing a black trench coat that is orange on the inside,on the outside it has the kanji for nine.

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