One Month

90 7 12

**One Month anniversary**

Alex walked (She was finally allowed to walk on her leg) up the school steps and into the dinner hall.

She spotted Stacy,Thomas and strangely John at a table and she quickly went over to them and sat down.

"Hi guys." She said, trying not to stare at John and Stacy who were sitting quite close.

Stacy giggled and leaned forward.

"John asked me out! We can double date!"

Alex gave a tiny squeal, happy that her best friend had found somebody.

Thomas grinned at her. Slipping his hand around her shoulder

"But it's obvious that me and Alex are the cutest couple."

She laughed "Alex and I!" She corrected.

He rolled his eyes.

"But not this week. I have something in mind..."

He lightly tapped her nose.

Alex shivered in excitement. Thomas was the best at dates.

She gazed up at him. Wondering what he was going to do this time.


Alex curled her hair the same as the last time and carefully opening her cupboard to take out her dress which she had hidden from Dave.

It was red with a see through top and a long skirt.

She paired it with red ballet pumps and slipped a headband on her head (red again)

Calling out "I'm going to Stacy's! Bye!"

She stepped out,pulling her long coat on to hide her outfit and darted out to catch the bus to town.


Thomas met her at the bus stop immediately leaning forward to help her off the bus like as gentleman.

Alex opened her mouth to ask where they were going but Thomas put a finger over her mouth making a shh sound.

She pushed it off and opened her mouth again but Thomas pressed his lips to hers with a smile.

He pulled away laughing

"That shut you up."

She looked at him shrewdly but he pulled a scarf over her eyes and knotted it quickly.

She tried to peek but he took her hands in his and tutted.

"No peeking!" He scolded

He gently pulled her over to a house about 20 meters away and gently unraveled her scarf.

Standing in front of her was her absolute favourite restaurant.

She turned and hugged him gratefully.

"Thank you!"

He kissed her head lightly.

"I knew you would like it"

They came in and Thomas pulled out her chair for her.

She giggled, picking up her menu and hiding behind it.

Alex picked a delicate pasta and Thomas the same.

They arrived very quickly and they started to eat.

It was amazing even though there was a slightly sticky moment when Alex got sauce all over her lips but Thomas saved the moment by kissing it off.

They ordered pudding and started to play 'twenty questions' while they waited. This is how it went.

Fave colour?

T: Red

Celebrity Crush?

T: Taylor Swift

A: Thomas Sangster
Fave animal?

T: Degu

A: Rabbit

A: Alex obviously

T: T boy.

Alex burst out laughing at the last one.

"T boy?!"

He nodded.

"I know. I don't even know why they call me it."

At that moment a waitress appeared with a big bowl of ice cream and two spoons.

They dug in shivering at the coldness but loving it all the same.


Thomas led her outside and back to the bus stop where they shared a lingering kiss.

"Thank you. For a wonderful evening."

He kissed her cheek.

"What can I say? I'm amazing."

She laughed and boarded the bus with a wave.


Alex came back. Tiptoeing up to her room and very quickly throwing on a hoodie and jeans before sneaking back out and pretending she had just come in.

"I'm back!"

She said climbing the stairs again.

"OK!" Dave yelled.



Alex yelled back.



Alex flopped down on her bed a smile creeping up her face and that's how Dave found her in the morning.

Hi guys! WE REACHED 1K THANK YOU SO MUCH! I was so excited when we got 100 and I never believed this could get this big! I wanna thank all of you! Anyway.... It seems I can't go one chapter without starting a new ship! Is that bad? I am siriusly shipping them now! Happy happy happy chapters! Also I might not update till next week cause its mah Bday on Saturday! Yaaay! I expect lots of TMR merch!

Lyric: I met you when I was a teen.

Newtgirl12, Signing out

(Sorry. The pic is really fuzzy)

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