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Alex stood there stunned watching them. Rhian had her hand on his hip and the other round his neck firmly.
The kiss was slow and warm.

Finally they broke away and Thomas turned to stare at her looking a little shocked.


He said sounding shocked,Breathless and panicky.

Alex didn't even stay to hear his stutters. She turned and fled.


Darting past the school gates she decided to just pretend she was ill. Half the day was gone already.

Leaping on top of the first bus she saw praying it was heading for home she sat and put her head in her hands.

I will NOT cry on the bus. I will NOT cry!

But no sooner than she had said it her shoulders began to shake and soft tears slipped between her fingers.

"Are ye ok, lass?"

Alex looked up. An elderly woman was staring down at her kindly.

She sniffed

"Yes, thank you."

The woman clucked her tongue.

"Aye I know a heartbreak when I see one. Here let me find a tissue."

She dug through her handbag and took out a crumpled packet. Alex took one gratefully and dabbed at here eyes.

"They're old but clean."

She said sitting herself beside Alex with a little *flumph*.

Alex guessed at her accent. Something Scottish.

"There now. There's plenty more fish in the sea for a young lass like you. And with you being so bonny they'll snap you up in a minute!"

She gave Alex a little pat on the shoulder as she was speaking and gazed out of the window.

"Aye. You'll soon wish for a time when you were young and fit. Not an old bird like me."

Alex nodded "I know."


Despite the lady's kind words Alex still felt like crap when she got home.

Fortunatly Dave was at work so Alex could sob in peace. And that's just what she did.

She lay facedown on her bed and cried for a few minutes. Then a little longer. Finally she sat up and reached for her ipod and pressed play. Taylor Swift We Are Never Ever Gettibg Back Together came on and she switched it off quickly.

Flicking through the songs Alex tried desperatly to find one not about love. She settled on Don't Try by Everything Everything.

Don't try to hide it, No. Don't try.

Don't try to hide it, No. Don't try.

Cos it'll have you in the end, ohhhh.
Cos it'll have you in the end, ohhhh

Is it gonna take a battle of wits
Well I can take a body, I can take a body blow
Pick you head up
Show your teeth to them honey
We can take it slowly, we can take it really slow

Cos everybody says you never speak up
And, never take a moment, never take a moment's rest
I see you skulking on the basketball court
And I wanna be the perfect, the p-p-p-p-perfect test

Don't try to hide it, no
Don't try
Don't try to hide it, no
Don't try
Cos it'll have you in the end, ohhhh
Cos it'll have you in the end, ohhhh

I know you're waiting for a miracle call but
I can disappoint you, I can-


By that time Alex was crying again. Don't try. "Don't try to hide that you were just using me you BASTARD!" (Whoops sorry. Calm down Alex. Chill.)

Alex screamed the last word and ripped her earbuds out throwing then on the floor. As usual Alex glanced towards her computer like she always did with anything she didn't understand. But that only reminded her of Thomas and she started to sob once more.

She fell back against her pillow again and reached underneath it. Her hand brushed Thomas' note and the long dead flower. Resisting the urge to tear it to pieces she took out an old photograph instead.

It was of a young Alex squinting at the camera and looking very cute. But the person she wanted to see was her mother. Her arm wrapped around little Alex and laughing like she hadn't a care in the world. This was taken shortly before Alex's father died in the car crash and her mother developed her disease.

She stared at the picture and stroked it sadly.

"I miss you Mum. I need you."

A small tear landed on the pic and Alex wiped it away with a trembling hand. Curling up on her side she slowly fell asleep.


Ok this was a filler and it took ages but I have a life outside wattpad y'know!

Since I have no more games to play, try and guess my age. Based off my writing. Be honest. If I write like an eight year old tell me! But do it in a nice way. Don't go "OMG ur stry suckz" say like "Put more description in. Or add more chat etc" Hey you might be very surprised. Oh and peeps who know me. Shush!

(Dedicated to @TheHuntersBird for being awesome and making me a banner. Ty!)

Newtgirl12, signing out.

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