Chapter 1

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In the rough seas of the New World, one woman found herself sailing alone, drifting to anywhere the sea would take her. This woman—named Cassie Ann—rubbed her arms. They were barely being covered by a thin veil as she sailed without food, water or even proper clothing on her handmade raft.

Feeling a sneeze, she brought her hand to her nose, but sighed when it refused to come out. She put her gaze elsewhere and looked up to the dark night sky.

"I know I'm stupid, but I'd rather die out here than in there!" She spoke to herself. Then she finally sneezed, "I've got to get better clothes!" She whined.

Cassie sighed and rested on her back, she hoped the currents would drift her somewhere where she could get food and something better to wear. For now—she'd sleep. Her eyes forced her to do so and soon she was falling asleep more comfortable than she had ever been...

Cassie turned over in the bliss of her sleep, feeling the warmth of a blanket over her. Then, her eyes shot open and she shot up. Seeing that she was now in a bed, the thin veil she had over her shoulders was gone!

"W-what? Where am I?" Cassie felt frantic, looking around for any indication of where she was. It was then she realized she was on a ship of some kind.

"You're finally up." The door opened and a woman, her hair colored a bright pink, came in and smiled at Cassie.

"W-who are you?" Cassie asked.

"That's not important, but there is something that is," Cassie watched as the woman got closer to her, "my brother willingly brought you aboard our ship, but he refused to tell us why he did it." Cassie was a bit confused to say the least, "our brother never does that," The woman stared at Cassie intensely, "What are you?"

Cassie made a face and looked down. "I-I don't know, maybe he just felt bad for me?"

The woman laughed, causing Cassie to look at her. "That's simply not possible," Cassie was very confused and that didn't go unnoticed by the woman, "he doesn't feel anything, let alone remorse about some girl who's trying to get herself killed."

Cassie growled, "I'm not trying to get myself killed, and don't refer to me as 'some girl' I have a name!" She asserted.

"Which would be?"

Her sudden adrenaline faded and she shrunk under the polite question. Cassie was fearing not saying anything, but she spoke to hold up the pride she presented with her outburst.

"Cassie Ann."

"Nice to meet you. I'll tell you my name, I'm Reiju Vinsmoke, fighter of the Germa Kingdom." Cassie grew a bit anxious, which was noticed by Reiju, "before you go and try to run out on us, recover first. Then you can leave of your own free will... that is, if my brother is willing to let you go. He seems to want you to stay here." Cassie didn't know what that could have meant, but she was more worried about how she said it compared to anything else. Suddenly, Reiju smiled, "there must be a very important reason he's keeping you here."

Cassie remained unphased by her words outwardly, but internally she began to worry. Her heart raced and she began to feel her palms grow warm.

"What are you saying that for?" Cassie asked.

Reiju got up and went to the door. "No reason. Just wait here, I'll send him in. He wanted to speak to you when you woke up."

Without another word, she left the room. Cassie was free to panic a bit now. She had no clue who this man was or what he wanted from her. It sounded almost like he knew something about her... Cassie feared the worst from that and remembered something. Frantically, she looked at the pocket inside of her dress.

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