A new beginning

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Sorry if this chapter is shit
I wake up in the morning, all the memories of yesterday flood into my head, my dream was ruined by those bitches and my weakness "fuck" I shout out angrily, I get into the shower and then put a new cloak

Sorry if this chapter is shitY/n POV I wake up in the morning, all the memories of yesterday flood into my head, my dream was ruined by those bitches and my weakness "fuck" I shout out angrily, I get into the shower and then put a new cloak

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, I'm going to go into the woods to train.
Time ship
I start to jog around the woods, while doing some shadow boxing, after about half an hour of jogging, I start to do some push ups, I do about 40 before my arms give out, and then I start to do some sit ups, I could only do 50, after that I take a break and begin planking on the floor, I just barely held on for a minute, after that I walk towards a tree and get into my stance, I start to combo punch the trees, my knuckles bleed and sting but I ignore it, blinded by the rage that I'm all alone once again. Collapsing on the floor from exhaustion, breathing deeply with tears streaming down my face, I fail to notice the gelatinous liquid coming towards me, it gets onto my chest and absorbs into my body and disappears

??? POV
I finally found a host, I should probably lay dormant for now, and only subtly show myself to him, until the time is right,
5 minutes later
He's awake
I finally get up from the floor, and I realise I am starving, I need food right now, I guess that's enough exercise for now, I'll do more later after I get some food, as I'm running I realise that I'm  much faster than usual, I shrug it off and finally make it to a restaurant, I was about to order but then a strange craving for raw meat filled my head and mouth as it watered at the thought, the waitress comes up to me and asks what I want " can I have a plate of raw meat quickly please" the waitress gives me a look of disgust as she nods and walks away, why am I craving raw meat?, what is going on?, I was running faster and now I'm craving raw food, 2 minutes later a plate of raw meat is placed in front of me, I quickly pick up a handful of meat and tear into it like a wild animal, everyone looks at me weirdly as I loudly eat my meat, when I'm finished I pay for the food and walk out, I'll wait for my food to go down and then I'll start training again,
Timeskip 2 months later
I've been so distracted with training and trying to figure out what's wrong with me I Didn't get any dust for my weapons
Timeskip to the dust shop
As I'm looking at the different types of dusts I hear the door open and jingle, but I pay no mind, until I hear someone yell, "get the dust!" I turn around only to be met with a gun to the head, I may not have been the greatest huntsmen in the world, but I still know how to disarm a guy with a gun, I smack the guys hand away so he can't shoot me and then I expertly pull the gun from his hand and aim it at his head," bet you weren't expecting that bitch" I was about to kick his ass but as he goes to punch me, a guy is slammed into him knocking them both out the window, I look over and see ruby fighting with the robbers, I might as well help the guy out considering he's really nice and he doesn't deserve to be robbed by degenerate scum like this, I holster the pistol and rush at the guy with the baseball bat, he swings at me but I move slightly to the side and dodge it, making him stumble behind me, he gets pissed and rushes at me with a tight grip on the bat, with Inhumanly fast reflexes I grab the bat and hit him with the but end of it, knocking the thieving twat out.
Roman: you guys are fucking useless you know that right?!
As you smash the bat into another one of the robbers head, another sneaks up behind you with a knife, he was about to stab you but you are suddenly pushed Aside by a force, the guy runs towards you again so you grab his arm and twist it behind him, I didn't know I was so powerful, suddenly a guy with a pistol starts firing at me as they decide to fall back, I run at the guy, As he shoots me with a few bullets, but that strange gelatinous liquid from before shows up and the bullet holes heal immediately, i  grab him and tackle him out the window, I landed on top of the guy and to make sure he's knocked out, I punch him in the jaw and get up only to see Roman Torchprick getting away, "not on my watch motherfucker!" A strange black tentacle protrudes from my stomach and pulls me on top of the building, I was so focused on roman I didn't even realise what just happened, I started to fire at him with the pistol from before, I manage to land a shot on his hand when he lifted his cane up to shoot me, suddenly a bullhead appears and roman jumps onto it, a hot black haired woman with red eyes starts shooting at me with balls of fire coming from her hands, shockingly Glynda appears and starts attacking the bullhead while ruby fan girls in the background like the annoying little shit she is! Anyways, the bullhead gets away after sustaining some damage from Glynda, despite her being a selfish bitch, she is very powerful, she looks at me and says
Goodwitch: you're Coming with me!
Y/n: piss off
Glynda looks at you shocked, but you don't care
Goodbitch: do you know who your talking too!
Y/n: yeah, Glynda goodbitch
She looks at you hurt but then she puts up her angry act
Y/n: I'm not going anywhere with you
You walk away
Glynda: your surrounded
You look around a see all the assholes who bullied you and made your life miserable.
after a couple of weeks after joining beacon
You fall down
Blake: your worthless you know that, why don't you take that spear and kill yourself with it!
Weiss: yeah, and to think we would all date a little bitch such as yourself, well let me tell you something asshole, we gave been having sex with other guys behind your back, *laughs*
Yang: grabs you by the collar and punches you in the stomach, her eyes blood red, if you tell anyone *punch* I'll kill you *lifts you up and slams you into the floor knocking you out cold*
Coco: pathetic
Nora: small dick
Team sssn just stand there and laugh at you
Phryya: 1cm peter
They all laugh loudly as Ren, Jaune and team CRDL look at you with pity,
Cardin; that's why we bully velvet
Ren: poor guy
Jayne: let's get him to the infirmary quick!
Flashback end
You shake your head as you remember all the horrible things they said and did to you, they betrayed you and broke you're heart, they told everyone your secrets, so you exposed Blake for being a Faunus, which got you the beating of a lifetime, your thoughts are cut of by people shouting at you
Coco: you're coming with us
Blake: come peacefully
Weiss: no one needs to get hurt
Yang: we can talk about this
All you do is stand their and look around with rage in your eyes, until you hear a deep voice in your head, want me to deal with them? Fuck I must be going insane, no you're not, you are my host, we can talk about this later, do you want me to deal with them?,.....yes.
All of a sudden your entire body is covered by a black liquid with pure white eyes

Yang: what the fuck is that?Blake: holy shit!Coco: it looks really powerful Jayne: fucking hell its huge Ren: shit!Nora: wow, I've never seen that Grimm before!Ren: don't be stupid Nora! That's not a Grimm it was just a human!Nora looked sad but R...

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Yang: what the fuck is that?
Blake: holy shit!
Coco: it looks really powerful
Jayne: fucking hell its huge
Ren: shit!
Nora: wow, I've never seen that Grimm before!
Ren: don't be stupid Nora! That's not a Grimm it was just a human!
Nora looked sad but Ren didn't care, he was pissed at her all the time after Y/n Was kicked out.
Sun: we can take it!
Neptune: yeah, look at how many of us their are!
Ruby was the first to attack, but the tall creature just made a tentacle that hit her so hard it knocked her off the roof
Yang: RUBY!!
Her eyes go blood red and she releases a scream of rage and rushes at you, you also rush at her letting out a roar of your own as all the other team members start to shoot at you, you move too quickly for them to accurately shoot at you, yang goes for a huge cross punch, but you catch it and slam her into the floor "pay pack" you thought with an evil smile as you continued to slam her on the walls and floor, her aura was broken and she was severely injured and concussed,
One of the stupid team members decided it would be a good idea to throw a smoke grenade, painting you a canvas of smoke to hide in, sssn, wy crdl jnpr were shocked as other team members disappeared into the smoke, leaving only their screams and weapons behind, the smoke slowly fades away, but you're not their anymore,
Sun: come on you Pussy! Don't run away!
Neptune: yeah, freak!
Ren: shut up, that thing just annihilated a Bunch of beacon team members!
Blake: yang are you ok?!!
Weiss: where's ruby?
Ruby:I'm...here *falls down*
you jump off the building and onto the floor creating a huge shockwave 
*Who are these guys calling a pussy?*
You rush at Neptune and throw him into a wall, knocking him out cold, and then you focus your attention on sun, he hits you with his staff, which did not hurt what so ever, in fact it disappointed you so badly you stood there for a second before you reeled back your huge arm, and punched him so hard that his teeth visibly fall out of his mouth, I honestly thought I killed him for a second, but I saw his chest rise, a spear buries itself deep into my back as phrrya comes into view, I simply rip the spear out and throw it back at her, the force was so strong it went through her shield and into her shoulder' making her cry out in pain, so I front kick her and slash her chest, knocking her out cold too, I quickly dispatch Weiss coco and Blake, you rush at velvet and lift her up, she shakes and cries as she believes you are going to eat her, but you have a different plan, you force her to look at you as some of your face comes into view
(The hood is down)

here *falls down*you jump off the building and onto the floor creating a huge shockwave  *Who are these guys calling a pussy?*You rush at Neptune and throw him into a wall, knocking him out cold, and then you focus your attention on sun, he hits y...

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Velvet:*Mumbles* y/n
Y/n: we are venom
And then you slam her into the floor and walk away victorious, or so you thought, before you can fully cover your face again the vulnerable side of your face was shot with a very powerful tranquilliser, and before you know it you fall to the floor with a thud as you are surrounded by atlas soldiers and beacon students.
1960 words
Sorry if this was shit
C yas  

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