Chapter 26

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Cliff Pov

How could Clary sleep with him she was mine. Jace will suffer i will not kill him he will watch us be happy together. I looked over to a sleeping Sam i cant wait to get rid of her. She ia very annoying the worst in bed.

Valentine promised me Clary when i help finance his business with my family money. I heard he was killed after he kidnapped Clary's mom. Doesn't matter i dont need him anymore. I have my own crew to help me out Clary is who i want.

The dance is tonight i have it all planned out to get my Love away from him. He brain washed her to think she loves him but i will cure her of him. I will show her body what i means to please someone!

End Pov

Jace maybe we shouldn"t go to the dance tonight. With Cliff being insane saying he will hurt you i just dont want him to try anything. "Clary he does not care me nor will he interfer with our lives" Jace told me. I have a bad feeling about to tonight.

Izzy wasnt going she was going to help Simon out. I was nervous the entire day Jon and Jace seem closer these past weeks. I wonder what they have planned those two can be very sneaky.

Izzy did help me get dressed for the Dance. Jace told me i looked beautiful as always i blushed! Off to the dance we sent with Jon and his girlfriend. I relaxed as we dance forgetting about Cliff. We all were enjoying ourselves having fun.

Jace and Jon left to get us drinks. In walked Cliff and Sam she smirked my way. I looked away quickly my nerves went into overload. Jace came back notice my stance asking what happened?

I told him Cliff was here he just shrugged saying not to let him ruin our night. After having so many drinks go calm my nerves i needed to use to restroom. Jace walked me there and stood outside i knew he wasn't leaving my side with Cliff being around.

I used the restroom washing my hand i heard a girls voice saying "help please im stuck". I walked to the other end of the restroom when i opened the door i felt a pinch in my neck. Sam was there smiling i look at her hands she had a needle that she stuck in my neck.

I tried to yell for Jace but i couldnt speak or move i fell to the floor. My eyes were so heavy i saw a huge figure come through the bathroom window. Then i fell into darkness oh no im being kidnapped again i thought!

I woke up in a room filled with pictures of myself all over. I saw Cliff in one so he was behind this. Speak of the devil he walked "Sweetie your awake he pulled me into a hug". I am not your sweetie where am Cliff?

"Our new home for now just until we get married. Then we will need a bigger house for the kids he smiled!" He really lost it i could see he meant every word. Cliff always had a temper i would play nice for now until i can plan an escape. I worried about Jace so i asked where was everyone else

He said he would end Jace, i told his that wasn't neccessary i realize me and him were a mistake. I still loved him i became such a good liar he belived every word. He told me that we would get married in a week.

I became nervous i didnt think so soon. Then the psycho said he wanted us to work on having kids soon. That way Jace cant ever take me away. Cliff told me that wouldnt leave the home until we were married and me pregnant.

I needed to get out of here it's only been two days. One day Cliff told me had to go take care of some business. After cooking us breakfast he handed me orange juice after i drunk it it taste funny. "This is just so you dont try to escape again while im gone" he said before i passed out on the bed!

Jace Pov

Clary needed to use to restroom i escorted her there. Cliff and Sam just disappeared from the dance. I knew they had something planned me and Jon were waiting for them to make their move. It has been 10minutes Clary is still in the restroom.

I want to check on her does girls really take that long. My gut told me something was wrong so i walked into the girls restroom. It was empty shit i called Jon told him the took Clary. We had our own crew all around and outside.

Scott called me to say that he saw Sam walking to the parking lot to a black mustang. I told him to follow her while me Jon and our crew would follow as well. Scott said they stop to a cabin in the woods just 15minutes away.

He gave us directions we all meet up. After checking out the place we saw a van and Sam's car. There were a few guys outside guarding the place. Why does everyone want to kidnap my girlfriend i thought. Cliff walked out the front door giving them all instructions.

Out walked Sam she was trying to kiss him he slapped her. She tried to run he grabbed her hair throwing her head into the stone wall. Her body fell limp to the ground he told the men something. They tied her up and threw her in the van he walked back inside.

I know Clary is in there i can feel her we need a plan soon before he tries anything. She cant go through that again she barely survived the first time emotionally. After several hours Cliff got into the Van and drove off this was the chance we needed.

Jon lead one crew to the front while i lead the our group to the backdoor. We were fully prepared we used darts to knock out the guards. Inside in a lock room we found Clary sleeping in a silk nightgown. I prayed he didnt touch her.

I looked around the room there were pictures of Clary everwhere. New and old ones he had been watching her. He even had pictures when she was taken from Valentine. That bastard knew she was kidnapped im thinking he was helping him all along.

Anger filled me i was going to kill that sick bastard! We made sure Clary was taking drom here to at a safehouse. Cliff was going to pay this ends tonight he is the last threat to my Clary. I dont want her living in fear of him.

After we called the police tpnrepprt what happened the vehicle Cliff left in. They made our job much easier Cliff was caught at the Lake trying to drown Sam. He was taken to jail i wanted to get my hands on him.

Jail was to easy for him but at least he cabt touch my Clary. Cliff ended up in a Psychiatric hospital he was truely crazy. The event didnt effect Clary to bad she was happy he was away for good. Cliff was a badboy he had several body in that Lake he tried to dumb Sam.

In the Cabin was a underroom more like a torture chamber. Some evidence left from some of his previous victims. Clary had to testify at court she was really nervous. That bastard tried to run to her in the courtroom.

He threw a chair at the judge for keeping him away from Clary. There was no hope to help him back to sanity. Cliff was give lethal injection he was threat to life was his verdict. Ratface boy got better over months him and Izzy were great together.

Soon everything that happen was just the past. Clary was back to her normal self again we were as happy as we can be!

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