Chapter Four

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It's a small note by me. Please read it.

First of all I heartly thank you few people. I don't thnk I need to mention there name. Moreover, I am dedicating this chapter to one of them showing my gratitude.

Thanks for saving me!!!! Your my Gurduian Angel<3 . Lol.

So that's it. Like I said really small note. Enjoy the chapter. (:

Chapter Four

*Eliza POV*

He let me win the arguement. He finally agreed to let me go all by myself to my home sweet home. I was tired. All I was craving for at the moment is sleep. Yerstaday was full of tiredness just like today.

Even though Ryder dropped the topic, I know deep inside he won't let me go that easily.

I made my way to my red car. I am not that proud to own such an expensive car. It's not what I wanted on my first day of college. But my parents who are so keen to maintain their economic status, wanted me to wear a high profile and sophisticated things.

I saw Ryder zoomed away in the same direction as I had to go. I don't even know in which part of this small town he lives.

As I made my way to my house I, like always, decreased the speed to an appropriate level when I started to pass the woods. Nature always fascinates me. Even though it was quite dark and only timid brightness of street lights and headlights of car was the source for my eyes to see, I could already feel the calmness I always feel while passing this area. It is quite cold in this particular area. I can feel a shiver running down my back causing goosebumps.

In the uniform silence of the evening, I bet I heard a noise. I may be paranoid at the moment to think that someone is following me. But I swear I felt like I got a stalker. Maybe someone was following me. This place is totally secluded. Only some vehicles passing through this area, and that too if you are lucky enough at this time of the day.

I decided to speed away. I am only five minutes away from my mansion after all.


"I saw you! Don't dare deny the truth." I yelled at Ryder via my phone.

"Yes, but you were not agreeing with me and I was too tired to argue with you at that time. So I just decided to follow you to your home." He said innocently.

"It is called stalking Ryder!" I quoted the last word in air with my fingers.

"Put a hold on your thoughts. Just calm down. I just felt the need to make sure you are safely home. Don't overreact." He said clearly frustrated by the conversation we are having.

He is right, I admitted to myself of course not loud. I let out a sigh in response.

"Okay." That's all I could muster to say.

"Night!" He said finally.

"Goodie Night." I said unwilling to disconnect so soon. I don't want to go to bed yet. I love his company. I know it's just a day and I already started longing for his presence. I want to talk to him.

This is new for me. Never in my life I enjoyed this much. I was actually having fun. And I know he can make me happy instantly by just saying the most stupidest thing. I am this serious type of girl. Introvert, self centered and egoistic. Well that's how people describes me. Not that I am complaining. They deserve such attitude. Anyway, so when Ryder showed me what is fun I wish to spend more time with him. I won't be surprised if I fall for him. Right now I just see him as a friend.

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