Chapter 5

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I thought about it all night. I couldn't fall asleep. To be honest, it wasn't a normal kiss. All I was thinking about was Matt. Maybe he did have feelings for me, I mean why else would he kiss me? It was 8:26 in the morning and he texted me. I completely lit up when I read the text messege,

Good morning babe😊, wanna hang out today? All of the guys wanna go hang out again and I just wanna hang out with you!

I can't believe it. He wants to hang out with me. I really like him. I'm scared that I'll mess everything up. I texted

Yeah, I'd love to hang out! Could we all meet up here around 10:00 and decide where to go?

He texted back,

Ok. Can't wait to talk to you😇

I walked down the hall way to Ryann's room. Ryann is staying in the hospital because she has a heart condition. But, Ryann has had it for a long time so she is at the top of the transplant list and is having transplant surgery as soon as the heart gets here. She has to keep a pager with her so she can call nurses, or doctors, or ambulances if her heart gives out unexpectedly and she needs help. She's 16 like me. As I walked in her room I began laughing when I realized that she was sitting up in bed and the bed was perfectly made. This meant that she had been up all night. I looked to see what she was doing. She was texting Trevor.
"So, after that glorious kiss you've been texting him ALL night?" I said laughing
She looked up laughing but kind of embarrassed. I told her to spill everything that happened and she told me that he had asked for her number and right after they kissed, when he was leaving he texted her saying "wanna go out tomorrow night?"
Ryann was so happy, I think that Trevor might be the one for her. I began to tell her about Matt. I told her that he was wonderful and absolutely perfect. She asked me if he had my number and then I started telling her about the text he sent me this morning and how we were all gonna go out at 10:00. I looked at the clock and freaked out. It was 9:30 so I ran to my room and started getting ready. When it was 10:00 everyone came in and we all sat down. Matt sat beside me and I tried not to smile. We all decided to go see a movie. There wasn't that much playing at the theater. So, we decided to see "The Duff". It was a good movie. Ryann and Trevor didn't kiss because we were all surrounded. Matt and I hadn't even talked about yesterday. About 10 minutes into the movie, Matt started holding my hand. He's so sweet. I love being around him. Once the movie ended around 12:30 we decided to go eat at Taco Bell. There was a big bell by the door that said "ring of there was good service" and Nash and Cameron kept ringing it over and over again for fun until the manager told them to stop. We all talked about it and planned out what we were gonna do today. After we were done eating we were gonna go to Skyzone. I should have thought that one through more. Once we all started jumping, Hayes felt sick because we had just eaten and Ryann and I decided that it Probuably wasn't the best idea for us. So we decided to pick up with the fun tomorrow. I talked to Shawn some today and he was so nice. I told him I bought his music on iTunes a while back. He got my number. I have a feeling that we are gonna be friends because he likes 5 seconds of summer. Matt and Trevor walked Ryann and I back to the hospital and Trevor and Ryann stayed in her room talking and watching movies for hours. Once Matt and I got back to my room, he was the first to talk,
" do you wanna go out to dinner with me tonight? Like, on a date?" He asked me..
"Of course" I said smiling.
"We need to know eachother better" He said. Then he started asking me questions,
"Favorite app?"
"Oh my gosh same!"
"Favorite tv show"
Teen wolf
"I've seen that before!"
"Favorite band"
5SOS and One Direction
"I can deal with that"
"Favorite book"
The last Harry Potter
" those are cool"
"Do you have any siblings?"
Yes, one sister. She's in college

Once he was done with all of the weird questions I started talking to him and asking him questions as we walked down the street to a returaunt for dinner. I love holding his hand. He'll reach for my hand and then start swinging his arm while we walk. He is so cute and sweet and I've never met someone who made me feel this happy and special.

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