Chapter 21

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I decided to watch the videos in order. Each video was edited. Each one started off with words across the screen. The first on said "your wedding day" the second one said "your first baby" and they went on. There were 24 videos like that, 1 video for Matt and then 1 video that was taken today. I clicked on the video that was taken today. It began playing loudly and everyone looked over so I turned it down. He began talking. He was in the car. "Y/n , I hope you watching this today. I'm sorry I'm not there. I have this feeling in my stomach like I'm not gonna see you again so I wrote the letter and made the videos. I love you. I made videos for you so you can watch them throughout your lifetime and I'm always there. I want you to watch the "never be alone" video whenever you miss me and I want you to marry Matt. I will see you in heaven eventually so it's not goodbye. I want you to show all of the guys and (2 girls) this video so I can say that I love all of you guys and I'm sorry. But I made videos for every one of you in a folder called "Magcon farewell". You guys made me the happiest, luckiest guy in the world. I made a video for mom, dad, and Aliyah that I want you to show them that's in the Magcon folder. Y/n I want you to keep my phone and the letter. I'm gonna pray now." He said. The next thing in the video, he put his phone in his lap and started praying. Then lost control of the car and ran off the side of the rode. It hurt to watch. There was not blood or anything. He reached forward and stopped the video before he crashed into the bottom of the ditch. Matt finished reading the letter and looked up at me. "He made videos for all of you" I said. I handed the phone to Taylor first and he watched his video then passed it on and on. I made everyone feel better because Shawn knew exactly what to say to each and everyone of us. Once everyone had watched there video I decided to be the first to talk. "Do his parents and Aliyah know?" I asked. "Yeah, the police called them" Cameron said. "Matt, will you come with me out in the ball real quick" I asked. "Of course" he responded. We got up and walked out in the hall. "I wanted him to walk me down the aisle at our wedding" I said crying. He hugged me. "He will, you just won't see him" Matt said. "Look, I want us to call his parents and talk about a funeral in a few days" I said. I dialed his Mom's number and when she answered she sounded like she had been crying. "Hello, mrs mendes" I said. "Yes" she replied. "'s Y/n and Matt here" i said. "We are all really a mess right now but we need to talk to you about it, we would like to know if you could fly down with Aliyah and family and we could have a funeral in a couple days" I said. "Yes, I would like to do that. Can you plan it and everything. I don't think I'm ready to do it myself" she said. "Yeah we can do it, we just want you to be here, and I'm sorry" I said. "Yeah I'm sorry too"she said and she started crying. "Bye, I'll text you about when we're coming" she said. "Okay bye" I said and hung up. Matt and I walked back into the room and sat down on my bed. "You know he was the best friend ever" Matt said. "He still is" I said. "Yeah, I'm making him my best man" Matt said. " guys" I said and everyone turned to look at me. "We talked to his mom on the phone and she's flying in with family in the next couple days for a funeral.

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