y u j i <3

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It had been a few weeks since Y/n had made up with Aya and the Kyoto School Exchange was coming up in a few hours. Training had been continuous over the last few days, Y/n probably trained more then she should have but it didn't matter to her. Managing to floor Maki had been one of the greatest achievement's of her life. Was that sad?

As Y/n strolled to the meeting place she heard Kugisake shouting from afar.

"No way! Why didn't anyone tell me that we weren't going to Kyoto!? Megumi, you saw me packing!"

"It was funny." The boy replied simply, Kugisake grabbed his collar continuing her rant, "Why you little-"

"-Kelp." Inumaki waved to Y/n as she approached the group, maybe he said it a little louder then he should've but that was probably to shut Kugisake and Megumi up.

"Hey, Toge. How're you all feeling?" Recently she had been learning to cope with the death of Yuji and had become less sharp to everyone and more friendly. It was nice for everyone to see.

From the stairs infront of them came the Kyoto students, Mai really pissed her off she wasn't going to lie.

"Maki, can I just say. I hate your sister. "

Maki scoffed, "Me too."

"Oh look, it's everyone from Tokyo! How sweet of you to greet us!"

In the Kyoto school was Mai, Todo, a robot, a younger looking girl who held a broomstick, a kind looking girl with blue hair and a man who always had his eyes closed.

"No, we didn't. We were unfortunate enough to run into you and Todo. Not all of you, don't have a thing against the rest of you."  Y/n waved a hand dismissively.

"Hey, what did I ever do?" Todo complained, his eyes watering as he held his head high, Fushiguro scoffed.


"Ohh, yeah! That was-"

"Now now." A woman came up the stairs, a scar streaking from her ear to her nose, her hair was tied up with a bow that complemented her beautiful kimono. "Sorry about them, they always try to be intimidating. So where's the idiot?"

"Satoru, he's late." Panda answered, his arms crossing the in process. To be honest, again, Y/n was kinda annoyed. She knew that she took fun of Gojo but she didn't appreciate others saying it if they meant it.

"Gojo-sensei shouldn't be referred to as idiot. Treat him with a bit of respect." Fushiguro snapped his face expression not wavering. The loud patter of a pair of feet and a object rolling came from beside them, everyone turning their heads to see Gojo running toward them with a tray that had cookies on.

"Sorry, I'm late! I bought you all souvenirs!" He handed out a protective charm from a tribe to the Kyoto students, the blue haired girl was doing a terrible job keeping in her fangirling which the robots head was drawn to.

"None for you Utahime~"

"Shut up! I didn't want one!"

"And for everyone from Tokyo, we have this!" He span around and pointed to the box underneath the tray.

The box clicked open, a red hood was seen first as someone rose up. His salmon pink hair, his grand smile and the familiar marks underneath his eyes. Yuji Itadori.

"Hey! OPP!"

"It's your formally deceased classmate, Yuji Itadori."

Y/n literally felt sick, angry and upset at the same time, Gojo wheeled him to face the Kyoto students but they were too engrossed their gifts.


Principle Gakugangi walked down the stairs slowly with Principle Yaga behind him, looking across the field he saw someone he believed as dead. Itadori Yuji, Sukuna's vessel was alive.

"What! What is the meaning of this-"

He was cut off by Yuji's loud screech as someone the Principle hadn't met yet dug her elbow into the boy's side sending him halfway into the nearby trees, as quick as she was their she had gone after him, her recognizable eyes only being saw for half a second before Gojo leaned down into his face.

"Wondering who that is, right?"


Y/n ran after the boy, immediately finding him standing up and trying to run away. She leapt on his back and started to punch it continuously.

"WHY-ARE-YOU-ALIVE? I-MOURNED-YOU-YOU-STUPID-BOY- I-i-i" Her pounds on his back became weaker and weaker, within a few punches, not known to her. She had seriously injured Yuji. She clutched his uniform as she began to sob uncontrollably. As tears leaked from her eyes they started to make a acidic noise as they landed on Itadori.

Opening her eyes she saw a hole in his uniform, as the last tear landed on him it was as if she could see all the bones in his body, his fractured back slowly melted back together and all the small pieces of bone sizzled away. 

She gasped as if she was drowning, what the hell just happened? 

Reverse Cursed Technique. 


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