Chapter 27: Well, That's News to Me- Joseph's Pov

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As soon as Louise left me in my misery, I release myself from the infirmary. I was given strict orders by a nice nurse named Dorothy to stay here until we dock in Northern France but I'm going stir crazy.

Maybe Louise had a point, what if I in fact don't make it back home? Perhaps I've been so caught up on her because she's the only girl who's ever talked and listened to me. But that can't be all wrong since I couldn't stop feeling light and foolish around her. She just didn't feel the way I did.

My plan for saving my family was a mess, it has missing pieces and is destined to go off the rails again.

I can't just let Louise wander around Italy alone. Stopping her back at the camp was the right thing to do, right? Italy was never a dangerous place to walk alone in but now there's war; destruction. After everything that's happened since meeting Louise, I just want peace and rest. It's not like everything was simple when I was living at home with pa but at least I had ma and George with me. Of course I don't blame any of this trauma on Louise when she herself has been caught up in it.

After a few minutes of walking alone around the large ship, I find myself an alcove with a seat that sits below a square window. The window overlooks the calm sea and setting, golden sun.

Pulling my knees up to my chest, I rest my chin on them. I allow myself to wallow in the mistake kiss I made with Louise. A piece of my heart shatters each time I think of her baby blues eyes rejecting me. Shutting my eyes, I feel sick to my stomach. Then, a second later, a bubbly, growling noise rumbles in my stomach.

"I figured you'd be starving." I look up to see Hartley standing in front of me with a bowl of that god awful bean soup. The bread he's brought me is most likely stale like usual. My face lightens up, glad to finally see a familiar face.

"You don't have to keep bringing me food like you're my ma." I chuckle as he scoots on the seat beside me.

"We're about to dock in France tomorrow morning and I need you strong for our journey." He hands me the cold soup. "Eat," he orders me with a half smile.

"Cold? Is the chef giving up on cooking for good?" I take a bite and swallow it slowly.

"The truth is that it was hot when I got it but when I saw you smooching my cousin, I walked around." I choke on my soup. "Y-you saw all of that?" My face is half red from coughing and the other from embarrassment.

"More than I'd like to see, personally." He smiles with burning cheeks. Well that's something I wish I could forget.

"Can I tell you something that you can't tell anyone else?" Hartley's eyes meet mine. "I'm told by my good pal Roy that I'm a good secret holder because I'm so wise. Like his grandad." My smile grows thinking and missing my friend. I wonder how his days are going with flying through the air beside the birds.

"You know I somehow trust his word so I'll give you a try." He nods with hesitant laced in his bright eyes.

"Louise isn't really my cousin. Oh and the colonel and Jacob Deck aren't her grandfather or father," he bursts out abruptly. "She was born out of wedlock." My eyes grow larger and larger with each surprise he springs out.

"Wait hold on? Jacob isn't her father and the colonel-"

"Isn't her grandfather." He finishes for me. "Yes, you know it feels so good to tell someone what I've known for such a long time."

"D-does Louise know the truth?" I stutter still in utter surprise. "Yes, she's aware but my cousin doesn't know that I know so let's just keep it between us for now." I nod to myself.

"Why did you tell me this?" I ask, confused.

"Because I like you Joseph, you remind me of a person I used to know a long time ago. Through thick and whatever the hell else we're about to face together out there, it's better we know more about each other. That reminds me to tell you that I am terrible at using a gun. So I'm no sharp shooter from Range Busters." His blue eyes hold mine. I've seen some of it with Roy.

My eyes find the sky which has completely set. Billions of stars shine brightly above us. All of them make the sky look like a light show. Stunning.

"Little Italy! Just the man I was looking for." An upbeat voice trails closer and closer. My eyes stretch up to Barry who stands with his hands stuffed in his navy pant pockets.

"What the hell Barry? What did I say about space?" Hartley stands up. "Hold up golden boy, I'm here to apologize." What's up with this man and giving people the worst nicknames?

"You're going to apologize?" I ask in disbelief. "Hey slow your grill Little Italy, I'm turning over a new leaf." He places his hands up as if surrendering. "I meant Joseph, not Little Italy." He corrects himself.

"Well?" I stand up. "Sorry?" That doesn't sound very forgiving. "Sorry, sorry I am sorry. Truly. Even though you're trying to steal Louise from me." He corrects himself with a confident nod.

"Barry..." Hartley starts with an annoyed tone in his voice. "It's all in the past," I frown. Something I have a hard time doing is letting go of the grudges that I hold but for now the fight is one I let go. All is forgiven except for one thing.

I stand up getting closer to Barry. "What are you doing? It's all water under the bridge?" He holds a hand out for me to shake.

I grab onto his hand, tightening my grip as tight as possible. "If you ever hurt Louise ever again-"

"Come on man that wasn't any-" He huffs trying to get out of my grip but it's too strong.

"You so much as lay a pinky on her, I swear you'll wish I'd pushed you off this damn ship into the cold ocean! Even the sharks would leave you to drown." My voice is raspy and harsh. "I don't care if I have to spend a thousand years in that illegal prison, I'd do it again." Barry's stare looks me up and down before he smirks. "Glad to know where we both stand. I hope we'll learn to respect each other in the future."

Just as he finishes a bright flash shines through the window. It looks like a large star at first but then as it gets closer I realize what it is. Before we know it a loud bang explodes sending everything and everyone up in the air.

"What the hell is happening?" Hartley yells sitting up rubbing his elbow. An older sailor who's peering out one of the small windows yells, "It's an aircraft." A few people have gathered around as the ship shakes with more force now.

"It's Germany. It's the damned Nazi's. They've bombed us but appear to have left!" The sailor's hands fly down to the wall. There's more shaking and the ground is slightly uneven. My heart stops in fear.

"We're going down, and quick!" 

~               ~                ~

Chapter posted:6/04/2021

Hey kind of a short chapter this week. I hope you all enjoyed it. Do y'all think Barry is changing or does he still have a bigger plan? Also what do y'all think is going to happen now that the ship was bombed.

Until next time. . .

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