Chapter Three

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"Is that really her?" Kunia broke the silence as they watched her, it was two way glass, she apparently couldn't see them but they saw her.

"I don't know if she knows the answer to that" Usagi replied as the girl brushed over her scars.

"The real question is how much does she remember" Arisu said, walking away from the glass. "If she has no memories of the borderlands at all that could be a problem, she might not believe us when we explain it to her"

"Chishiya we didn't do this did we?" Kunia turned to her friend, his eyes were stuck on the girl as she touched her face with a sad look. "No, it would have been a major surgery and she lost a lot of blood – there are always potential side effects you don't find out about until after the patient wakes up" he turned to Kunia, she had never been able to read his emotions but in this moment she could.

"Now's your chance to make it up to her, it's a chance for us both to fix things" Kunia tried to comfort him.

"I don't think you should tell her what you did yet" Arisu interrupted both eyes drew to him.

"Look at her, she doesn't trust us already – if you two tell her how you betrayed her and us, she'll never come with us" Arisu spoke up.

"Us?" Kunia and Usagi asked confused.

"I'm not leaving her" he pointed to the girl in the room "I lost her once and I wont let it happen again, despite what you two did I know you both care about her and I don't see Chishiya leaving her so we're back to us" no one said anything to the contrary because he was right.

"Now all of you, get away from the window and give her privacy – when she comes out we'll talk to her but we all know she can be stubborn so don't expect anything right away" Arisu commanded eyes on Chishiya who was still locked on Rose.

Kunia grabbed his arm and slowly pulled him away from the window. They sat at one of the computer stations patiently waiting for Rose to emerge. She took her time and eventually they heard the door open and close, her footsteps echoing off the concrete floors.

"So, your all still here" she said cautiously, she tried to appear somewhat casual but they all knew she was on high alert.

"We wouldn't leave you" Kunia said still looking at the girl like she was seeing a ghost, could this be some twisted trick?

"It seems I'm at a disadvantage- you all claim to know me but I don't have the faintest clue who you are or what your meant to be to me" She leaned against the desk across the room watching them all closely.

"We're all your friends, we all somehow ended up in this place called Borderland, we've had to play games to survive ever since we arrived, for you that was about 5 or 6 weeks ago. Does any of this sound familiar?" Kunia took the lead, she slowly moved closer but Rose shot her a warning glare that stopped her.

"The games are deadly and you can die, in the last game, we all thought you had died. I'm not sure how your standing here today" her voice trailed off and Rose laughed.

"Are you serious? Do you here yourself? That's insane" Rose shook her head in disbelief thankful that she had the scalpel hidden in her sleeve these people were insane, she would make a break for it as soon as she could.

"It's true" Arisu stepped forward to help a desperate looking Kunia.

"You and I met in a game, we later met again and you saved my life. Usagi and I helped you recover after you were bitten by a shark, you must have seen the scar on your leg" he tried to talk calmly but his voice slipped. Her eyes narrowed at him

"I'm out, your all crazy" she tried to leave but Kunia blocked her path.

"I'm sorry but its not safe out there, we can't loose you again" Kunia pulled her into a tight hug, in a panic Rose punched the girl in the ribs and quickly escaped her grasp.

"I. Said. Don't. Fucking. Touch. Me" she growled almost feral. Kunia coughed a few times, wheezing for breath.

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