Chapter 1

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Something has been going on and it is very unsettling. Thor was the first to notice it  second to Loki of course because it was happening to him. Loki has been on Earth under the careful watch of the Avengers for some time now. He was finally given a room and a proper bed after "Gaining their trust." When in reality he knows that they will never truly trust him despite what his brothers pleads that he has indeed changed. 

At first it was whispers sometimes in English sometimes in other languages. They would come to him deep into the night, sleeping or not he would hear this voice in his head. It was like a prayer. The voice so relaxing it eased his worries and shrouded the darkness with light, seeming to push his nightmares to the far corners of his mind. These words were more prominent on Saturdays he has noticed. He always questioned if he should speak back to them or not to see if they could hear him. So that is what he did he would speak back and "Answer" their questions.

The second thing Loki noticed was the feeling of being full despite his lack of food. That and almost a consistent sweet taste with the occasional bitterness of black coffee. Things he seemed to enjoy if he was being honest. He has never had anything like this ever happen to him before and he has been relishing in it. He felt cared for and dare he say... He felt worshiped. This person cares for him and never asks anything other then guidance from what he can gather in their prayers. No one has ever asked guidance from him before everyone always assumed that he would lie yet to this voice and complete stranger he is being truthful to. He find himself mumbling down the hallways of the compound, kitchen, and even during training sessions when he was allowed. It is safe to say that the rest of the Avengers have noticed as well.

"He has to be scheming."  Tony Stark  grunts looking at the camera feed that was set up around the compound after Loki's arrival. The majority of the team is there in a small conference room looking at the feed that was projected on the screen. "See he is doing it again!" Tony says pointing at Loki who is mumbling to himself while reading the recent novel he has picked up. "Now Man of Iron. I know my brother and there has been no scheming." Thor's voice booms through out the room. "How many times has he stabbed you in the back?" Tony snaps turning his head in Thor's direction. "He is right Thor it is possible that he is becoming more of a danger to us." Natasha she says leaning back from her forward position on the table into the chair. "I have told you all before that my brothers powers are limited while he is housed on Earth!" Thor says crossing his arms over his broad chest. "There could be loop holes meat head!" Tony snaps. Clint steps toward the screen analyzing it. " We need to do something about this. He is dangerous. Either put him in a cell or take him to Asgard no in between." Clint has a stern expression on his face as he says this. "I understand that you are still upset about what happened during the attack of New York bu-" Thor gets cut off by Clint. "Upset? Upset! You think I'm upset! I am fucking livid! This guy took control of my mind! He doesn't deserve to be here!"  His voice heightening in intensity  with each word he says.

"How about a compromise?" Natasha suggests. "And what do you suggest?" Tony asks his voice seemingly more irritated as this conversation continues. "How about he goes somewhere secluded. Away from people and away from us." Clint begins to speak when Natasha continues to say. "Of course we would have someone with him or maybe have routine checks on him to make sure he isn't up to something." Eyes glide over to Steve as he has been silent this entire meeting to see what his thoughts are. "Maybe it is a good idea, but he would need to change his look. If anyone were to recognize him that would cause problems. Thing is, where would we put him?" Tony sighs rolling his head back into the chair. "I have a small cabin in (Your/Home/Town), in the forests, and up a mountain. That should be secluded enough and as far as I know nobody lives near by." Tony says standing up rolling his neck around to stretch it out. "How small is it?" Thor asks.

"This should do it." Tony says as they now stand in the middle of a gravel drive way in the middle of the (Y/H/T) wilderness. The cabin in front of them was less grand then they expected since Tony is about big and great and other things to describe his lifestyle. As you look at it you will notice that it is a one story cabin made of grey brick with a small chimney on the side with a different shade of darker grey for the roof.  Ivy climbs against the house on to the roof but not in an irritating "need to cut it down" kind of way it is more so like a decoration. Flowers of different kinds surround the property as it is Spring currently in which it is all incased in a small white picket fence. There are stone steps leading up to the cabins slightly elevated porch as well as some leading to the back of the cottage. The grass is nicely trimmed so it seems that either Tony prepped it for Loki's arrival (Which is unlikely) or that it is regularly being taken care of. Overall it is a really nice and seemingly relaxing place.

"This is less grand then I expected." Natasha states to the small group of people which consisted of Tony, Steve, Clint, Thor, and herself. "Hey this is mainly Peppers place. Sometimes we like to get away and live a small simple life as hard as it is to believe..." Tony says. The back door to the SUV they all took to get here slams shut as Loki gets out his suit case. He didn't say anything the entire ride here. Like Steve suggested Loki changed his look. From his shoulder length, dark, black hair to short, slightly curly, light brown hair. His regular attire of Asgardian leather and deep green cloak were replaced with a bluish grey suit and black dress shoes. Despite the fact that he was most likely not going to encounter anyone on his stay he always insisted that he look his best. Steve and Thor turn to Loki and walk up to him.  "Now remember broth-" "I know brother. My name is Thomas Conrad, I was born in the United Kingdom so I do not have to explain my accent, and I am a small time business owner who is on vacation for how ever long I am here." Loki says seemingly irritable but tries his best not to snap. "This isn't some vacation Loki, This is to make sure you aren't a danger to anyone around you." Steve says sternly. "We have cameras all over this property as well as sensors that will alert us to you using any form of magic. Don't do anything stupid." Steve finishes and Loki being the instigator that he is he says "Aye, Aye, Captain." Picking up his luggage and moving toward the cabin.  Tony is already at the door unlocking it before handing Loki the key. "We all have our own copy to get in here if we find out you have been causing trouble..." Tony says  opening the door and walking inside. "We will have rotations, One of us will come and check on you three times each week and I expect this place to be spotless like it is now when you leave by the end of this trip." Loki only rolls his eyes following him inside. "Yes sir." He says sarcasm dripping from his tone.

After an hour or so it is late in the evening and everyone has left. Loki finally decides to explore the cabin by himself and see what it looks like without all the distractions the Team was causing. Looking around he notices the high ceilings. There is a loft area  that has a small wooden ladder leading up to it on the left side of the cottage which is accompanied by a king sized bed, two bedside tables, and a small wardrobe, underneath is a bathroom with a  decent size tub shower combo, a toilet, sink and a mirror. On the right of the cottage there is a kitchen that has a three burner stove and a small oven, a deep two sided sink, a refrigerator, freezer and cabinets which were all well stocked with food and plenty of counter space and to his suprise something he has only ever seen in the palace kitchen was a bread oven. The living room was situated in the middle of the cabin toward the back with a good size sofa, a fireplace in front of it, a big flat screen TV above it and book cases on either side filled with books. The cabin overall has a nice cozy feel to it. With his luggage already hulled up the ladder and laying on his bed he decides to go to sleep.

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