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I've been through so much and I feel like I'm never gonna get through my depression because nobody cares. I have millions of insecurities. Especially about my body. I'm not that pretty of a person in my opinion. My mom always tell me that my face is ugly and shit, like that's gonna help anything because it's not. I just don't know what to do anymore. I feel like I should give up. But I'm not. I just want someone to understand what I'm going through. People say they do but they're just saying that to make me feel better.
  I honestly don't get people who say they understand what I'm going through, but never been through the same shit I am going through.

  I'm depressed because I've been bullied all my life and I'm still getting bullied. Nobody seems to give a shit about me. I feel like everybody hates me. My family hates me because I used to cut and I'm suicidal. I had friends, but not anymore because I found out they were using me and taking advantage of me and they were so fake. I'm fat. I'm lonely. And there's a lot more.

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