Genin Again

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                                                                                      3rd POV

Dashing from tree to tree three 15 year olds making their way to their next assignments

"So it seems they didn't carry out there mission correctly" one spoke while jumping from one wooden branch to another. "Or maybe they mission was harder than they thought" another voice said but the voice was more feminine. "I think he said he had tonkotsu ramen and he was thinking on miso ramen the other day I really want dumpl-"  'SMACK'  "Oww what was the for Yuki jeez" The other male grunts while almost missing a tree branch "Pay attention to the matter at hand right now Kirame" The female now labeled Yuki stated "Wha- ME Akito just wants to get it done and over with he doesn't even care that much" The blonde ninja stated earning a "Hn" from the dark haired male. Yuki sighs and they stop looking at a group of people "Well looks like they have the situation handled so far" Akito said.                                                        



                                                                             File #078

                                                                         Yukio Hyūga

                                        Personality: Yukio Hyūga embodies a child-like yet determined persona in the Naruto world

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                                        Personality: Yukio Hyūga embodies a child-like yet determined persona in the Naruto world. With unbridled curiosity and a playful spirit, Yukio finds joy in even the simplest things. Her infectious enthusiasm and genuine empathy make her a cherished friend. Despite her youthful appearance, Yukio possesses a resilient determination, seeking knowledge and facing challenges with unwavering resolve. Creativity is a hallmark of her problem-solving, often employing unconventional solutions with a whimsical touch. Yukio's adaptability, coupled with her mature insights, contributes to her effectiveness as a ninja. In the world of Naruto, Yukio's unique blend of child-like wonder and determined spirit becomes a beacon of unexpected strength, proving that true power often comes in the most unexpected packages.

                                        Alias:死んだ目 Dead Eye


Training and Improvement: Yukio finds joy in honing her ninja skills and pushing her limits, constantly seeking improvement.

Exploration: Yukio enjoys exploring new places and discovering the beauty 

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