Just Train

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                                                                               With Kirame

Kirame is seen walking through the village grumbling to himself "-upid Kage...Chunin Exams again... could've just stayed home sleeping but noooo just have to go through it ag-" He then bumped into a person passing by "Sorry I wasn't watching whe-" He stopped staring at the person with two familiar buns "It's you the dumpling thief" She slightly glared at him "Ahh..shitt...again" He sweatdropped "Not today or at least right now we could fight in the evening" He stated walking past her "I should really cut you down but I have some training to do" The dual bun brunette stated before leaving. "Uhh okay..."


"I apologize for the early visit, Kirame, but there's an urgent matter we need to discuss."

"Urgent or not, it's too early for this," Kirame muttered, slumping into a chair.Sarutobi cleared his throat, "There have been some issues with the recent Chunin Exams, and your team will need to participate again."

Kirame's eyes shot open, a mix of disbelief and irritation on his face. "You've got to be kidding me! We took those exams when I was ten! Now you want us to do it all over again?"

Sarutobi nodded solemnly, "I understand it's an inconvenience, Kirame, but certain irregularities need addressing." "This is beyond inconvenient. It's ridiculous!" Kirame exclaimed, running a hand through his disheveled hair. "Five years ago, we were kids. Now we have to go through the same exams again? I've got better things to do!"

The Hokage tried to maintain a serious tone, but a small smile played on his lips. "Your cooperation is crucial for the village's security, Kirame. Make sure your team is prepared." Grumbling, Kirame conceded, "Fine, fine. But this better not become a tradition. Next thing you know, you'll have us redoing the Academy just for laughs."




The training ground hummed with anticipation as Team Guy, now including the more reserved Akito, gathered for another session under the enthusiastic eye of Might Guy. The air was charged with energy as Guy addressed his team with unwavering enthusiasm.

"Team Guy, today marks the beginning of a legendary training session! With our new addition, Akito, we shall elevate our youthfulness to unprecedented heights!" Guy declared, striking a dramatic pose. Lee, brimming with enthusiasm, turned to Akito with a bright smile. "Akito, my friend! How about a friendly chat before we dive into training? I've heard socializing strengthens bonds!"

Akito, known for his antisocial tendencies, responded with a curt nod. "Let's just focus on training, Lee." Undeterred, Lee attempted to spark a conversation. "Have you ever thought about the power of youth and how it connects us all?"

Akito shot him a look. "Not really. I prefer actions over words. Let's get to training." Lee, recognizing the shut-down, didn't press further. "Very well, Akito! Let's channel our energies into our training and become the best we can be!"

Throughout the training session, Lee's attempts at conversation were met with stoic responses from Akito. The two warriors, each with their unique approach to camaraderie, found a silent understanding on the training field. Lee respected Akito's preference for action, while Akito appreciated Lee's unwavering determination. During a momentary break in their training, Lee approached Tenten with a bright smile. "Tenten, my friend! Your technique with weapons is truly splendid. It reminds me of the beauty of youth!"

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