Character Profile #3 - Somber Knight

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Gender- Male

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Gender- Male

Age- 16

Hair Color- Brown

Eye Color- Muddy Green

Skin Color/Race- White

Height- 5'7

Birthday- October 30th

Zodiac Sign- Scorpio

Spirit Animal- Bat

Sexuality- Straight

Elemental Crystal- Darkness

Wears- Long sleeve shirts and jeans, hair styled up with gel. 

Personality- Anger controls many rash decisions, but past his carefully masked cool guy façade he is caring and defensive. He holds himself to a high standard and tries too hard because he feels the need to prove himself to his new friends. He can also be jealous and rash.

Weakness- Strong amounts of light, anger management, forks

Hobbies- Swimming (he was on the school's swim team, though nobody thought to ask), math. 

Somber got some anger issues.

138 Words

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