Cruel summer

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It was a sunny Saturday morning,
At 6:30 am I wake up to birds chirping.
Pyro stretches as she jumps off my bed ready for our morning run.
I change into my fear of god hoodie and sweat pants and walk downstairs from our back staircase.
I walk past the basement door. I hear laughing and shouting. I immediately knew. Hackers here.
I grab pyros collar and leash and head out for our run.
When I go on runs in my neighborhood I don't have to worry about crazy fans or paparazzi. I live in 188 million dollar home in Atherton California which is a gated community. 
After my run I walk over to the neighborhood park. I do an ab workout hoping Vincent and his dickhead buddies would be gone by the time I'm back.
Pyro and I jog the way back to my home. "Great more cars. They're still here" I mumbled to myself.
not that I ever try to avoid people, Im probably the most extroverted person you'll meet. But the thought of hear Vincents voice early in the morning was not the way I wanted to start my day.
*sigh* I open the side door
"Hey kammy" vinnie yells
I give him a look. "What's with the attitude? Not excited to see me?" He says with a fake smile
I give him back a fake smile. Im in no mood to deal with him today. Soccer tryouts are coming up and my grandparents are putting lots of pressure on me to be the best.
I see my brothers other friend Alex "hey Alex"
"Hey" he mumbles back shyly, he's super introverted around anyone other than his friends.
"What" vinnie looks around shocked pointing at everyone "how come he gets a hi and I don't?"
I roll my eyes "hello Vincent." He hates when I call him by his full name. I can see the anger in his eyes,  I smirk walking away.

My dad invited vinnies family over for dinner since him and I are both in town.
I'm in my room doing my makeup.
La mer lotion, Light bronzer, brow gel, mascara and done.
I'm wearing a dress by chanel, it's black with gold charms underneath the bust.
I skip downstairs. Happy to see vinnies mom.
"Hey Mrs hacker" I see as I approach the living room
"Kameron I've told you since the day we met just call me Maria" she says with a warm smile
"I know. I know" I say laughing back. My grandmother has always trained me on how to speak properly to others.
I'm standing in the entry to the living room when I feel a presence behind me
"Hey kammy girl" ugh Vincent
"Hacker" i say rolling my eyes walking to the kitchen to get a cold glass of lemon water.
As we're eating I can see an eager look on mine and vinnies parents faces.
"So Kameron what do you have going on tomorrow?" Maria asks
"I have an interview for my new movie fear street that I star in of course" I say jokingly as I flip my hair
Vinnie let's out a sigh of annoyance.
"You ok there young fellow" I say with a glare
"Just fine" vinnie says through gritted teeth
I don't know why but for some reason vinnie and I can never be it the same room for more than 5 seconds without being angered by each other.
It was silent for a moment then my stepmom Caroline spoke "ahem well guys we have some exciting news!"
"You're pregnant" I blurt out laughing
"God no you two are the equivalent of four kids at least"
"Well since schools wrapping up plus vinnie and Indio are graduating. Maria and I have decided we're all going to your Dad and I New Jersey home for the summer"
Yeah so you know that 48 million dollar home that's the biggest house in New Jersey? That's ours.
"WHAT???!?" Vinnie and I blurt out
"I know exciting right??" She says with a grin
Vinnie and I try to be civil around our parents but this. god no I refuse to be spending my summer with that duche mobile.
"No. I'm a social person so how am I supposed to see my friends when they're all the way in California??" I desperately ask hoping she would say "oh Kameron it's ok you don't have to spend your summer with that dickhead Vincent Cole hacker"
But no
"Kameron" she says in a firm tone. See the only thing about my "mom" and dad is they don't like when I'm not this perfect little actress who does and says what ever they want.
"Whatever I'm out" vinnie says
"Me too!" I say getting out of my chair
Reggie and Indio look at each other
"Well that plan just went to shit" Indio blurts out
My dad sighs " I guess we'll just have to drag them out to our jet and hope for the best. They'll have to get along at some point right?" he says hopeful.

I walk into my room and change into sweat pants and a Jesus is king hoodie.
I call my best friend Regina
"You will not believe this" I say I rub my forehead from the stress brewing
"What?" She says back wide eyed
"I have to spend the whole summer in New Jersey. With Vincent."
"Lucky" she says with a sigh
"Not this again. Regina. He's a dick. Like who goes on live streams and says who they hooked up with??!?"
"He does" she says laughing
"He's a player. He doesn't care about anyone except himself!"
"Ok and? He's hot so.."
"Regina I'm serious. Maybe I'll fall down a cliff or go into shock. anything then spending another moment with hacker. Especially my summer"
"Kam maybe it'll be good. Like spending a whole summer with a hot guy in the same house. With experience wink wink. Sign me up!!"
"No never in a million years" I say rolling my eyes
"Are you going to the Lakers game tomorrow?" She asks
Oh did I forget to mention my grandfather warren buffet owns the Lakers and that's where we get some of our billions of dollars from. Yeah.
"Yeah. Bronny is supposed to be there!" my other best friend since 1st grade
"Oh awesome. My moms calling me I got to go. By kam love you!!"
"Bye Gina love you more!!"

As I lay on my bed I slowly fall asleep to the thought of not being in California for the summer. All alone without my best friends.

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