I wish you would

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                        Previously on teen idol

His words wounded, just as he intended. Her cheeks were flushed with tears.

Her eyes were covered with crimson scarlet. turning pain into power.

That was the beginning of the sad, beautiful, and tragic days ahead.

We drive through the gate of Glen Alpin, Hardings down the road to my parent's 120 million dollar home. Driving down the long road lined with landscaping trees and carefully placed small stones making a perfect line up against the forest colored grass.  We pull up to the front. Nothing changed it still has Its castle-like feel with also not being too much. The house stands tall with dark framing around the windows, crown molding placed underneath each windowsill long pillars surrounding the front door, the house being the whitest white possible. that's what my stepmom likes. I see the best of my dad's car collection perfectly lined up, consisting of Ferraris, rage rovers, Bentleys, jaguars, and a Bugatti. we park and I immediately get out of the car and grab my Prada tote bag, I see a black Bentley parked the Acheron family must be here.

"Can you grab your bags?" Vinnie yells unaware the driver does that.

"id rather stab myself in the leg six times than help you luge a heavy bag up the stairs." I say rolling my eyes opening the front door.

"bitchy much?" Vinnie whispered under his breath 

I walk in and there he is. Alex Archeron, a real-life James dean with perfect fluffy brown hair, hazel eyes, a perfect smile, tall, strong, and varsity hockey player. What's not to like? he turns around smiling "Kam!" he says giving me a big hug his chin resting on the top of my head.

Vinnie standing in the doorway watching the interaction, Reggie looks over at him shrugging his eyebrows up and down signaling to vinnie about the hug.

"Jesus get a room." Vinnie says brushing past Alex and I 

"someones in a mood." I say  with a scoff walking towards Vinnie "can you get your man-swings in order and say hi to our guests" I say with a fake smile clasping my hands together.

I turn around "Alex, vincent." 

"Nice to meet you bro" Alex says with a nod 

"its Vinnie" 

"Right, ok well my parents will probably want to get going, but it's really nice to see you Kam. it will be nice to hang out this summer! I have a hockey game this weekend if you're free?" he says 

"I should be!" "ok cool! see you around!" he says giving me a hug and walking to his parents in the backyard

"oh my god Kameron I cant live without you" vinnie says holding his chest mocking alex 

"Please love me, that's what he sounds like when he talks" he says 

"Do you ever shut the fuck up? Jesus Christ." I say annoyed 

"using the lord's name in vain I see" he says 

I roll my eyes "Says the guy with the 28 percent rice purity test score." I say laughing walking up to my room

I can hear Reggie and Indio laughing from the living room.

later in the night 

Vinnies pov

I walk outside to see Kameron, Reggie, and Indio playing ping pong.

"hey" I say walking over "hey!" Reggie says. Kameron rolls her eyes the smiling fading off her face,

"do you want to play?" Indio says

"Hell yeah! I am a god at ping pong!" I say smirking 

"ok well Reggie and I are going to leave it to the pros to play each other" Indio says 

Kameron walks over grabbing her paddle and looks me dead in the eye " I never lose" 

She's right. three rounds later and still beating me, now Reggie and Indio are betting money on her winning. im super competitive so I refuse to let my enemy win.

it's now three am, Reggie and Indio left hours ago. Kameron and I are tied. she hasn't said anything for hours except for "I win again" "suck it" "im the best" etc. you know really humble and nice things shes always saying. 

I decided to break the silence

 "why do you hate me so much?" I say looking up at her. she stops dead in her tracks

 "what?" she says with a scof.  Its so dark outside I can barely make out what her face looks like.

 "I said why do you hate me so much?" hoping for an answer

 "I'm not playing this game right now" she says putting her paddle down walking towards the house 

"kameron!" I say yelling running to her and grabbing her arm

 "why are you always in a bad mood around me?" I say starring down into her piercing green eyes.

 "why are you doing this?" she says 

"doing what?" I say back

 "you're seriously the biggest dougebag I've ever met" she says angrily pulling away from me walking towards the patio

 "oh really. seems like you don't mind being in another dougbags bed?" I say

 she quickly turns around walking towards me "what the fuck did you just say?" rage in her eyes 

 "it seems like you don't mind being in another dougebags bed." 

"ALEX? are you kidding me vinnie?" she yells 

 "what about the three girls you fucked before getting on a plane huh?"

 of course this is what she brings up

 "your just mad it wasn't you" I say trying to ease the tension

 "is that what you think of me another girl who wants to get into your bed? you know what im done, I've put up with your shit for YEARS. im getting on a plane tommorow. I cant even. you're seriously the most delusional person EVER everything has to revolve around you.  just because you have nine year old girls obsessed overyou doesn't mean that I ever will be. I cant stand you vincent, I NEVER have and I NEVER will." she says yelling shoving me out of her way 

more angry then shocked stand there for a minute. 

"so what? Do you want me to just leave you alone forever?" I say shouting to her throwing up my arms

"I wish you would. I wish you fucking would" she yells loud enough for all of new jersey to hear. slamming the door behind her.  

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