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Momo: Wait, the same CEO who assigned us to kill each other?

You: Yes.

Just then, you start to hear footsteps about to enter the school.

You: We need to get out of here.

You walk towards the door, checking your surroundings.

You: Let's grab our stuff at the rooftop, and then we'll exit through the back door.

Momo: Okay.

You grab Momo's hand, and the two of you quietly make your way to the rooftop.


When you arrive, you put your gears inside your bag. Momo takes a peek near the railing and crawls back to you.

Momo: I doubt there's a lot of them.

You take out a tablet from your bag, checking the cameras that you installed before.

Momo: I thought you destroyed the school's security cameras when you arrived here.

You: I did, but before you came, I installed these small cameras around the school. Take a look.

You pass the tablet to Momo, causing her to swipe to see different places in the school.

Momo: Uh, Y/N? I think we need to find another way to escape.

She shows you the tablet, showing some guards blocking the back door.

You: Fuck.

Just then, you hear JYP down below with a megaphone.

JYP: You guys aren't responding, huh?

Guard: Boss, we looked everywhere, but no sign of the two.

JYP: Have you checked...

His eyes go wide, and he talks on the megaphone.

JYP: You two think you could survive together on the rooftop?

He turns to his guard.

JYP: Lead me to those two traitors!

Guard: Yes, sir!

Momo: Y/N/N, we need to shoot each other!

You: No, I'm sick of this assassin job! I missed the days when our groups were friends and...

You put your hands on Momo's cheeks.

You: I-I miss the old us. I just wished I confessed soon-

All of a sudden, Momo crashes her lips to yours.

Momo: I miss the old us as well.

You: We need to think of another way to get out of here.

Momo: I know.

She grabs her bag, pulling out a grappling hook.

You: What's that supposed to do?

Momo: You see that light pole near our cars? I'm going to launch this so we could swing over that.

You: Is it safe for the two of us?

Momo: Yes.

Just then, the two of you hear multiple footsteps.

You: We better hurry.


A few minutes later...

The door to the rooftop swings open, and JYP and his guards start walking towards you and Momo, who are sitting next to each other on the railing, holding hands.

Assassin [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now