The Update .10

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Onion's POV:
I groan when I hear the morning alarm, I would usually just ignore it and go back to sleep, but I wasn't on my bed, or in my room, I was in fucking admin how the hell did I even end up here in the first place?-
Then I see a notebook on the table, The realization smacked me in the face, if I remember correctly I was helping Chef with some new recipes we were gonna try. Chef probably went back to his quarters and left me here. I get up and head over to my quarters so I can shower and stuff, but then the game glitches and we're in the lobby again "どうした?" "What-" "Umm" Several voices let out some sort of confusion. "Okay, okay nobody be alarmed, its just an update coming up" Chef says. Everyone calms down a bit "But in order for the update to work properly and safely we all need to leave the game for a few days until it's completely finished" Everyone shrugged as Chef opened opened the game exit portal. ND and NM hopped through first with their children in their arms, Then Caution, Then Sky, Then eventually everyone until I was the only one left. I take a deep breath and hop through as well. I expected us to appear in the lobby or something but instead, we appeared in the busy digital city I stared at the pretty purplish galactic sky, Pods, cars, buses, and bikes cruising down the streets, Tall hotel buildings, Shops and Restaurants. It was all so amazing to look at after being in-game for so long. "Sup guys" a familiar voice says. We all turn around to see a girl with blonde hair in a casual ourfit, it was hard to recognize her at first but the cat hat gave it away, "Kitty!" Everyone shouted in unison. She laughed and waved "Hey everyone!"

Kiwi's POV:
I ran up to her and hugged her tight, "Oh my gosh Emily where where you?!" Emily Laughed "Oh don't worry I just disconnected, happens a lot here" She said. I eventually let her go and looked at my surroundings, as I looked around I realized that everyone looked way more humanoid and nobody had a spacesuit on anymore. My eye was specifically caught on detective, their hat and clothing color giving them away. Instead of their face showing like everyone else, they were wearing some sort of mask. I might aswell ask them about it later.

Eventually A bus came and picked us up, taking us to a hotel Chef had booked for us "I booked two rooms, both are pretty big so we can split up into two groups, Group A and B" Chef explains "What is this a kindergarten field trip?" Onion says "Haha very funny" Chef says in a sarcastic tone.

About 30 minutes later we finally make it to the hotel. Chef tells us our groups, we collect our room keys and get to our rooms, I get the honor of opening our door (omg wow so specialll) and when Chef said the rooms were big, he was not lying. "Woah is this a hotel or an entire bigass house" Caution says causing Sky to chuckle. Beachball stared at the mirror, admiring his reflection, "❤️✨" He sends to himself "Damn, you're taking self love to another level there" Detective said laughing "You're just mad cuz I'm prettier" Beachball signed (sign language), Causing detective to roll his eyes, Emily tossed herself onto a couch and turned on the tv, I sit down beside her and we eventually begin talking instead of actually watching the tv, Caution interrupts us, "Can Y'all shut it? this is my favorite show" We apologize and Allow him to watch his show, we found it interesting and ended up watching it with him.

We had lost track of time, and it had already been around 2 hours. There was a knock on the door, Beachball opens the door to reveal Onion standing infront of it, "Get your asses downstairs we're going to McDonalds"

A/n: Best way to end a chapter am I right? Jk I just got lazy ;w;

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