Part 5

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"KATSUKI, IZUKU TIME FOR DINNER" deku sits up and yawns "shit I got to call my mom" he mumbles I growl and sit up "I'll tell hag" he nods and smiles "okay thanks" I walk downstairs and sit down "Dekus calling his mom hell be down in a minute" hag nods and smirks "so the other day when you were touching yourself why were you moaning Dekus name" I blush and growl "I-I was-wasn't" "re-" deku walks downstairs smiling "auntie is it alright if I stay the night" she nods and smiles then smirks at me I growl and deku comes over "what's for dinner" he says as he sits next to me "katsudon" hag says smiling I growl then feel a hand touch my thigh I blush and look at deku, I grab Dekus hand and move it to his own thigh but he just puts it back on mine and even squeezes it he then drags his hand farther up my thigh causing me to blush even more "OK here's your food" deku smiles and grabs chopsticks then starts eating "oh yeah you found out you sub genders today" hag says smiling "yep I almost forgot" deku says smiling. Hag smirks "what's your sub gender" she asks "I'm an alpha" hag smirks at me "ah so you got you moms looks but your dads sub gender" deku smile and shrugs "I guess" I growl as hag looks at me "I got grandpas sub gender" she looks confused then smiled "your an omega" she says excitedly then looks at deku and smirks "ohhhh~" he looks at her confused "huh" she smirks and takes a bite of her food, he looks at me confused so I mouth 'she means you want to screw me' he blushes and covers his face "it's not like that auntie" she hums, "really" she says in a questioning tone, he nods embarrassed "yeah" she hums again clearly not believing him.

Time skip

After we all finished eating i went to my room with deku, I turned around to talk to deku but he wasn't there "deku" I say worried, I won't admit that though. "Deku where'd you go" I leave my room and notice my mom talking to deku, he looked kinda worried and sad. I walked downstairs and hag looked at me then smiled "hello katsuki" I growled and grabbed dekus hand and dragged him to my room. "Kacchan" he says confused "what did she say" he looks at me confused "nothing" "bullshit" I growl he looks at me confused "what do you mean" I growl again "I mean that's bullshit deku bullshit you looked sad and worried" I grab the bottom of my shirt and try to hold back my tears "she isn't making you leave right" I don't get an answer and feel the tears falling down my face "de-" i suddenly get wrapped in a hug "don't worry kacchan I'm not leaving" I look at him and hug him back "what did she say to you" "it's no-" "what did she tell you deku" I growl deku picks me up and brings me to my bed "she said that I'm able to help you with your heats but not to get you pregnant since you have an arranged marriage already" I look at him shocked "but she didn't know if I were omega or Alpha" he nods "she set two up one with an omega and one with an alpha so she could for sure get you married" I hug deku tighter and shove my face into his chest "what do we tell her about... you know" he shrugs, "let's hide it for a while" I suggest deku looks at me surprised "but what if she-" "she won't find out I promise" I bite my lip and break the hug "well let's go to bed" deku nods and smiles "okay"

Time skip 2 months

"Kacchan your starting to show" deku says worriedly I nod "I know I just don't know how to hide it" deku grabs my hand and drags me outside "mom kacchan and i will be back" "okay Izuku" once we get outside he closes the door and starts walking down the street "deku where are we going" I say confused as I hold onto the bottom of his sleeve to stay close "I met this girl like a wee-" I let go of his sleeve "you met a girl" I say worried he looks at me confused "yeah i met her like a week ago and she's really good at making gadgets and stuff like that she might be able to make you something" he stops for a second and grabs my hand "come on" i blush a little and grab his hand back and start walking, suddenly we stop and deku start accounting down "3" I look at him confused "2" "why are you counting down" he looks at me "1" right as he finishes there was a huge explosion and a girl came flying out "dang my baby didn't work" she looks over to me and deku and smiles wide "IZU-KUN" she walks up to us "Want me to make a Baby for you" i growl and grab his arm pulling him away from her "OMG IS THIS KATSUKI" she starts smiling wildly "you want me to make a baby for him" deku nods and I look at him confused "her babies are her gadgets" he whispers in my ear, i nod and blush "what kind of baby should I make for you" she looks me up and down "onc izu-kin you didn't tell me he was pregnant" deku nod "yeah and it's a secret from our parents" she nods "oh you want me to make a baby to hide it" deku nod "please"

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