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A familiar, cheerful yet irritating voice called out from behind the front door. The one who was called out flinched. As the lock clicked and the door swung open, only one thing crossed Shion's mind.

Save me....!

"My Shion~!!" The professor chirped merrily. He flung his boots off near the door, running over to his beloved. Shion was up on his feet too, sprinting away from the very love starved man coming towards him at full speed. He had to slow him down, or Shion knew for a fact that he would be subjugated to another afternoon of annoying flirting.

"You didn't keep your shoes straight, did you?" Shion called out, still on his way to his room. "Is this the example a professor sets for his students?"

"How can I keep something straight when I'm not?" The professor called out without missing a single beat. Though he did stop and then looked guiltily at his footwear lying haphazardly near the door frame. He knew Shion would escape if he went back for them now, and his conscience was definitely not helping. He looked back and forth between the hallway and the door, stuck in a silent panic.

Then he proceeded to go and keep them in the footstand like any respectable Asian.

The door opened again and this time, in walked Shion's brother and the professor's childhood friend, Sai. He had a few grocery bags in his hand and an amused smile on his face. Sai was famous for being the most romantic and sweet guy anyone could ever date, which was a blatant lie because he had never gone out with anyone before. He had a soft and gentle demeanor, with an innocent grin and fluffy light brown hair that was streaked with a shade of red that could only be described as the colour of leaves in autumn. The most curious thing about him however, were his eyes. At first glance, they don't look any different than anyone else's but upon closer inspection and a fight or two, you can see how they suddenly turn cold and hostile. The professor and Shion knew a bit too well to get out of his way when Sai did that. The person on the receiving end of this glare, however, was doomed and they might as well have started to check the warranty of their insurance.

"Welcome back! What're we having for dinner today?" The professor asked, still crouching down near the footstand.

"We?" The taller male questioned back. "I thought you were eating out with someone today? I only brought enough for two." Sai frowned as he dug around his bags to think of what he could make now. The professor got up and snatched the bags from his friend's hands.

Chuckling lightly he continued, "We'll just order something then. Don't worry about it Sai, my treat." The professor got behind Sai and tried to push him in. Well, it didn't work since Sai was much much more heavier than the other, resulting in a scene that resembled a hamster trying to push in a giant. The one being pushed into his own home found this extremely adorable though and when he thought the professor had struggled enough, appearing surprised, he secretly took a step forward.

The shorter man beamed, "Well I guess those hours sweating at the gym finally paid off."

"I guess they did, haha! Ah, I brought some ice cream, it might melt soon so could you please let me go now?"

And the professor did let him go, just because of the ice cream.

"I got you some too," Sai said. He then took out a small tub of dark 'mud' chocolate and handed it to the other. "How can you even eat this bitter stuff?" The professor's eyes sparkled and he snatched the tub from his friend without even a 'thank you'. Sai didn't mind though and proceeded to walk over to the kitchen counter followed closely by the drooling man.

"My adult tastes are much different to yours, kid. You'll know to appreciate the taste of these delicacies in due time." The professor stroked his imaginary beard with a high air, looking extremely pleased with his answer. Sai looked at him apprehensively, trying to figure out what in the world the professor was high on this time.

"We're the same age-"

"In due time, mah boy."



Sai slightly pitied the children his friend was teaching. He now understood why Shion was so moody.

Nevertheless, he placed the remaining bags on the counter with the professor following suit. One by one, the two started to place the groceries back and chatting about their day as they restocked the cupboards with tea and sugar.

It was quiet.

Too quiet.

Shion thought. He peeked from the end of the upper hallway down to the source of the voices. The professor left already? Can I come down now?

He could hear his brother talking on the phone and there was no sign of the professor anywhere. Usually he'd be lounging on the couch, prattling away about something or the other, but he wasn't. So Shion let out a sigh of relief and climbed down the stairs. He went into the kitchen and started helping his brother put away the last of the groceries without a single word.

"... yes,  yes of course. 'kay, I'll talk to you later mom," Sai spoke into the phone. He sighed once he heard the ending tone.

"What'd she say now?"

"The usual, marriage plans, taking care of you, et cetra."

Shion noticed his brother's expression out of the corner of his eyes. He knew Sai liked someone,  but he had no idea who they were. Seeing the throng of pretty girls that swarm him everything he steps out of the house, Shion was almost sure that it was no less than a model who could act all hard to get in front of Sai, or maybe his brother was a coward and couldn't muster up the courage to ask them out yet."You should tell her that you like someone."

"She'll ask me who it is."

"Well you can just tell her who it is."

Sai looked at him incredulously. Just as he was about to say anything, a rustling sound came from the pantry and out walked the professor. "Ohhhh, Sai you like someone? Who is it? Tell me, tell me!" He dropped the empty tub of ice cream into the trash, getting ready to interrogate his innocent friend. He was stopped in his tracks by something even more interesting though.

"Shion~!" With a huge smile, the professor caught the aforementioned man mid-escape in a bone-crushing hug. "Ahhhh~ I missed you!" He said, tightening his hold on a squirming Shion. Sai chuckled at the exchange.

"Professor- I can't breathe-" Shion wheezed, patting the professor's weirdly strong arms in an attempt to get them to loosen up.

"Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't notice!" And the trapped boy was given a little wiggle room, but the hug persisted. The professor turned his attention to his friend, satisfied now that he had his beloved in his arms.

"Soooo~ who's the lucky person~?" Then he wiggled his eyebrows at Sai like a veteran pervert.

A/n another chapter is out whoooo!
Btw Shion is the professor's student and he's 19. The professor is 26. ✨

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2021 ⏰

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