The KV-1, Sherman, Panzer IV, Covenanter, and about 50 of Colt's finest foot soldier and marksmen approach a village near the border of France. The tanks drive in a spearhead formation behind the soldiers. Elizabeth opens the hatch of her tank and sticks her head out. She grabs her radio. "So what's the main objective here?" She ask looking at the soldiers walking in front of the tanks. The spearhead formation they drive in was created by a German war general. The KV-1, being the heaviest, is in the middle. The a Sherman and Panzer are on the sides. The Covenanter is in the back. Derek opens his hatch and reveals his upper half. "Since the Vipers attacked the border of France, we've been losing more and more ground. We need to retake the border and land beyond it. It is essential to the war that we hold France," Derek responds to her. She nods towards him
By now, all of the commanders are sticking their heads out of their hatches. Derek picks up his radio again. "Get ready comrades, there is heavy enemy activity here!" He says on the com. Almost right after he says that, a shell from a cannon skins the left side of the turret of Parker's tank. "88!" Some of the soldiers yell out in panic. "Shift left!" Derek orders. The tanks shift left a tad. Another shell flies straight over Derek's head. "Spotter, do you have sight of the enemy 88?" Derek calls out on his com. After a few seconds the spotter responds. "Roger, 88 is barring 3,4,0." The spotter responds. "Roger. You hear that, men? 3,4,0!" All 3 of the tanks in front swivel there guns in the compass direction of 3,4,0. "Zeroed in!" Parker says. "Zeroed in!" Yells Friedrick. "Zeroed in," Derek confirms it. "Fire!" Three simultaneous shots ring off.
2 of the shots hit dirt near the target: an 88 cannon in a small barn. The third shot scores a direct hit, igniting the ammo of the 88 and setting off a large explosion. They all cheer except for Derek, who sits there calmly. "Who do you think got the hit?" Parker ask. "Probably me," Friedrick says. "No," Derek counters, "it was me." Parker laughs, "How can you tell?" He ask. Derek smirks, "I wasn't dumb enough to use armor piercing instead of high explosive." They all break into a loud laughter. "Alright," Derek interrupts them, "let's mop up the rest."About 2 hours later. All the tanker meet in the middle of town. As soon as they pull up, they lift their heads out of the their tank hatches. "Well," Parker pipes up, "this was probably the best victory we've had in a while!" They all nod and cheer in agreement. Derek silences them. "alright, alright," he says, "I've got one more objective for 2 of you if you'll listen." They all shut up and listen.
Derek pulls out a map. "There are a few farm house off to the north on the edge of town. If two of you are up to it, we need you to check it out." After a few seconds, Parker puts his hand up. "I'll go," he announces. After him, Elizabeth raises her hand. "Me, too, commander?" She ask. Derek notices Parker glaring at him and slowly shaking his head. Derek smirks. "Sure," he says, "why not?"Parker slowly drives across an open field towards the last barn house. They've been searching barns and farm house for the past hour. This was the last one. "I'm so tired," She wined, "Can we go home yet?" Parker sighed. "Will you please shut up?" He asked. She laughed at him, "Does that make you mad?" He looked at her. "A little bit," he said, annoyed.
They pull up to the barn and pop their head out of their hatches. "So," Elizabeth says, "who's turn is it?" Parker looks over at her. "Well, I went last time, so..." He doesn't have to say anymore. Elizabeth is already hopping down off of the tank and heading to the door.
"Hey!" Parker yells, "Sidearm, remember?" She scoffs and pulls out a Webley Mk. IV. She pulls out the wooden bar blocking the door and throws it on the ground. Parker sits in his hatch with a Thompson sub machine gun in his hands. She opens the door and looks into the darkness. "How's it look, lass?" Parker calls out. She squints to see. "I don't know, I can't really make anything out." She looks around for a few seconds before she hears the distinctive sound of a tank engine start.
"Bloody hell," she mutters before diving out of the way. A Tiger I comes out of the large barn doorway. Along with it come 5 foot soldier . Elizabeth fire a few shots, hitting one soldier. She runs back to her tank and jumps on it. "Shit, Tiger! Move!" Parker yells to his crew. The Sherman goes into reverse. Shortly after, the Covenanter follows. Parker fires a hail of bullets out of his Thompson before ducking back inside the safety of his tank. The Tiger's gun swiveled towards the M4 and fired, hitting the edge of the front of the tank.
The metal giant shook violently from the hit. "Elizabeth, we don't stand a chance! We need to go!" He yells into his com. Elizabeth's gunner fires a round into the side of the beast. It ricochets off harmlessly. Elizabeth growls with anger and yells at her driver. "Get us out of here!" She says. Parker's gunner then decides to fire a shell at the Tiger. It, to Parker's surprise, shreds through the part of the Tiger's top armor. The Tiger fire at Parker's soon-to-be metal grave. It hits the track and demolishes it. "Fuck!" He yells in frustration. "Elizabeth," He speaks into the com, "when he reloads, I'm done for. Get out of here!" Elizabeth shakes her head as if he can see her. "I'm not gonna leave, Parker," She yells back. "Goddamn it!" He drops the com.
Just then, a miracle happens. Parker see another tank come around the other side of the barn. At first he thinks it's enemy. Then he sees the star. Colt's star, the symbol put on all vehicles in Colt's army. The tank fires a shell into the place where it's engine would be and it catches on fire. It's a Firefly! A Firefly was the more heavily armored and advanced version of the Sherman tank. Everyone knew it didn't have the nickname "Tiger Killer" for kicks. The Tiger's turret slowly turned to meet the Firefly's. It fired, and the shell flew off way over the Firefly, missing it. The Firefly fired again, hitting the side where the ammo would be. Parker and Elizabeth sat there, staring at the amazing sight. Then, suddenly, the Tiger exploded, and the turret blew off. Parker couldn't help but cheer. Elizabeth almost started crying from relief. Parker opened the hatch to go thank the driver, but before he could, the Firefly drove off. Parker sees the living soldier fleeing, and doesn't even bother to shoot.See? What'd I say? I really hoped you liked it! If anybody happens to have any questions about anything on here, feel free to ask. I understand if if you don't understand the names of tanks and stuff. I will be happy to help. Like last time, please give me your feed back!
World of Tanks: Colt's Army
Historical FictionRussian KV-1 tank commander, Derek Kazlov, struggles to make the war a better place for his fellow tankers. Parker, A Scott commanding a M4 Sherman, and Freidrick, A German with a temper commanding a Panzer IV, follow Derek with heart and loyalty. T...