Ch.5: Caught After a Date Night

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"Can I see now where we're going?" Ava said.

"Nope nope! I told you it's a surprise!" JC replied, insisting to keep covering Ava's eyes.

It was Thursday night, almost 2 weeks since the first day of school. Ava did nothing but to do her school works, study, give time for JC and also tried to catch up with Beatrice. She wanted to know what really happened to her best friend, she could still feel the old Beatrice is somewhere there hidden.

Only a person who went through so much would act so strange, Ava is still determined to know her best friend and to do that she had decided to herself that day at the art class that she will be working with Hansen throughout the semester. It was her bright idea, she couldn't help but clap for herself in doing so.

"Okay okay. We are here. Okay, okay. So when I count to three you can open your eyes, alright. One, two and… Three!" JC said.

Ava opened her eyes and they were at the school's rooftop, she had never been here because of the strict rules but she heard a lot of students coming here to either get together or use it as a dating spot. No wonder why they had to walk up the stairs for that long, Ava then saw a picnic blanket on the floor with the fairy lights inside the transparent glass bottle.

A few extra fairy lights were scattered around, a big basket placed on the side and a mini projector was set in the middle. Ava was glad to wear her hoodie at the moment, the wind was cold and so it was the perfect moment for her to wear something comfy.

"What's the occasion, JC? I mean we've been dating not too long enough to celebrate our first anniversary together but what is the occasion?" Ava was questionable. She was speechless because she couldn't believe JC would do this.

She could feel her lips smiling so wide, JC was watching Ava's reaction and couldn't help but become proud of what he had done for Ava. Ava felt really happy, JC was too perfect for her and she had no plans for leaving this boy who gives her butterflies.

JC and Ava sat on the blanket and started opening the basket and ate what was prepared inside, it was their favorites. JC brought a small heavy meal before they started eating the desserts. He played Ava's favorite movie, they were watching the movie while they were eating. They exchange jokes from time to time, whenever they see something funny in the movie.

"How was Beatrice?" JC asked out of the blue. Ava found this weird but she too was curious about what JC would say.

"She's alright, I guess. I mean she still is giving me cold shoulders everyday but I am determined in making that woman soft. Tsk. She's faking all this superior in her." Ava replied. Trying to make a joke out of it.

JC didn't speak afterwards, Ava wondered if JC and Beatrice were close with each other before they became rivals. That's what Ava had heard from few students that JC and Beatrice were rivals all throughout the school year last year and up until now. Ava waited for JC to speak but he didn't so it was her turn to talk.

"JC, what is it? You can tell me anything, remember?" Ava asked.

"Well since, she's your roommate and from what I can recall she was your childhood best friend. I guess letting you know what happened to her is… Your rights?" JC replied.

The curiosity was eating her alive, she wanted to know the other side of this story before she listen to Beatrice and find out the things that these people were saying about her.

"Well, Quinton happened. She met Quinton and basically her world turned upside down. You see Beatrice and I were close friends, we were tight but since Quinton. She fell apart, we had to watch her fall apart when we tried everything we could to save her. But she was just falling too deep." JC spoke.

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