Chapter 4: Leashing Mr. Malhotra's 'Lady Love'

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A/N : Wow, I see a massive response to this story - readers thank you so so much for giving this book such a warm welcome! I know the MaNan isn't really MaNan-like yet, but come on that's the whole point of an Arranged Marriage, right? It takes time and the journey can be romantic (or not) depending on how much the two people put in effort to it!

Lets see, if the odds are in favor of Mrs. Malhotra, this time ;)

Happy Reading!


Manik's POV

The reception that was held for us last night for my friends and colleagues in the industry, finally marked a much needed end to the never ending wedding ritual of ours. I was relieved, and so was Nandini. Finally our regular life was to begin; we didn't need to walk and behave like a much in love couple any longer, we could move about by ourselves and not make the other person awkward. It was one such morning a few weeks after, when the entire family was having breakfast, when daadi brought up the topic of children!

I stole a quick glance at Nandini. We had developed an unspoken alliance by now. We weren't awkward in each other's presence, but we weren't the best of friends either. We were like two roommates acknowledging each other's presence. We knew our roles well, when with family we acted like a happy, normal couple and in the confinement of our bedroom, we were acquaintances. She would make my morning coffee, which I have to admit, she makes as great as daadi, she would get my clothes laundered, order around the staff for cleaning and culinary chores; she would take care of daadi's medicines, she would coordinate with my friend-cum-manager Dhruv and wake me up in the mornings as per my schedule - in other words, she would do all wifely duties that was expected of her. I would in return, ensure she had whatever she needed to be comfortable. I acted like a caring husband to her in front of her family, indulged her little sister, took her with me to my functions as my wife, ensured she had the best designer wear to wear; but these were my duties. We never bonded beyond this, we led our separate lives, and never interfered in each other's personal domain - but we had found cadence in this form of life.

But when daadi directly looked at me at the breakfast table and enquired when she should expect to hear "good news" from us, I staggered for a moment – Nandini and I didn't share that kind of a relationship. I glanced at her and saw her turn red too. And to my dismay daadi caught me looking at her and took it wrongly – she and her cousin sister who was visiting us that day, soon cracked up laughing discussing how sweet it was to see newly marrieds steal romantic glances not caring about their surroundings. What was worse was, soon after I had muttered a half-hearted "Soon daadi" to keep her happy, I heard a voice behind me. I instinctively turned around to see Soha standing there, hands folded before her, staring me down with anger and accusation in her eyes. Everyone looked at her, but thankfully before she or the family could open their mouths, Mukti walked to her saying how she had called her and they needed to discuss something. Mukti ushered her away from there, and I was relieved. This was one annoying habit Soha had, the habit of easily misunderstanding, she could so easily be misled! Didn't she know that I don't have my heart in this marriage? Then how does my answer to daadi stir her? Couldn't she figure out I was lying?

Apart from that, I thought I needed to talk to Nandini too. She is the one who didn't know me at all, I wondered what an impression she was building of me in her mind; our marriage was in a deadlock and I was promising daadi her great grandchildren! I decided to talk to her after breakfast and clarify her misunderstanding – it took us so long for the ice to break between us – I didn't want to be uncomfortable with her in my room again.


Nandini' POV

My face flushed in embarrassment when daadi teased us and our romance, I glanced at Manik, he looked embarrassed too. I almost bit my tongue, Manik shouldn't have lied to daadi, this would lead to more guilt ridden brooding. But I decided to keep mum about it, it was his personal life, his equation with daadi – who was I to intervene?

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