The Quiet Isn't Comforting

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~Alex's POV~
~One week later~

It's been a week since we got Kara back. Lex has been eerily silent, which may seem good but I have a feeling he is planning something. I walk into the kitchen and make a bowl of cereal. I plop down on the couch and turn he tv on. Liana should be back from Seattle soon. 

An hour passes and I hear the door open. I walk over to the door and kiss Liana. "Hey. How was Seattle?" I ask as I take her bag and throw it onto the bed and then walk back out to the living room. "Eh. Nothing eventful really. Just the surgery. And everyone there trying to get me to move back to Seattle. Like they've been doing since I left." Liana says as she grabs a blanket and  then sits on the couch. "Why did you leave Seattle? If you don't mind me asking." I say as I wrap my arm around her. "Uh, it's a long story." Liana says sort of hesitantly. "Well, we have time. Please?" I say making puppy dog eyes at her. 

~Liana's POV~

"Fine. Uh, where do I even start." I say trying to think of how to explain everything. "Uh, well for one, four doctors I worked with, died. Two were in my residency class, and two were attendings, one of which was my mentor in neurosurgery." I take a pause, seeing the shock on Alex's face. "Wow. Okay. How did they die?" She asks seeming more intrigued. "Uh, well, George. He got hit by a bus. We didn't even recognize him until it was to late. Derek got into a car accident and died because he didn't get a head CT. Lexie, uh, she died in a plane crash. Along with Mark but he died after the fact from complications." I pause again, this time fighting back tears. I haven't thought about Lexie in a while. "Lexie was, uh, my best friend. We met in, uh, med school. When we started residency we got even closer. I was also the one she complained about Mark or basically any guy to. And I kept my mouth shut instead of just telling her how I felt about her. I had a thing for her since med school but I never said anything, cause had it not worked out, I would've lost my best friend." I pause, Alex stares at me for a moment. "Wow. Um, yeah that seems pretty insane. And I'm sorry about Lexie. It seems like she was a great person." She says as she pulls me in and kisses my cheek. We cuddled on the couch until we both fell asleep.

~Big time jump. Liana and Alex have been together for almost a year.~

~Kara's POV~

"I just don't see why you are doing this so soon. You guys haven't even been together for a whole year yet. Don't you think you are rushing this a little bit?" I say to Alex as she plans out proposing to Liana. "Kara. Ok yes I know it hasn't quite been a year yet but, I really love her." Alex says as she continues planning. "I don't know. There's just something about her that seems rather suspicious." "Kara, you are being dramatic. She's been nothing but nice to you and everyone else. And she has been amazing to me. What could be suspicious about her?" Alex asks and I just stare for a minute. "I don't know." I say as I lean back not knowing what else to say. "I just don't want you to get hurt." I say. "Kara, I won't. I trust her."

~Lena's POV~

Liana and I sit in my apartment watching movies and eating takeout. "So, any special plans for valentines day?" I ask. "I mean, we have reservations for dinner. Other than that, nothing special." Liana says as she eats some of her food. "You know, I'm really happy for you. I know you haven't had the best relationships in the past. I'm glad you're happy, you definitely deserve it." I say as I pour more whine for both of us. "Thanks Lena. You know, you do deserve to be happy too." "Eh. Relationships and I don't mix well." "Oh. How about Kara?" Liana pauses as I stare at her in shock. "Oh please, it's so obvious. The way you two look at each other. I mean,  come on." Liana says as I start to blush. "Is it really that obvious?" "Anyone who doesn't see it, is blind." Liana says with a little chuckle. We hang out for a couple more hours and then she heads home around midnight.

~Time Jump To Valentine's Day~

~Liana's POV~

I stare at the desert menu, not sure if I can even eat anymore. "I don't know if I can even eat desert. I'm so stuffed from dinner." I say as Alex looks up from her menu. "That's fine. We can have desert at home." She says with a smirk. "I like that plan." I say as the waiter brings the check. We pay and head home.

"So, I'll take you up on desert now." I say as I push her against the door and kiss her. As I pull away she kisses me back. "Not yet. I have something for you." She says as she walks to the bedroom. "I was not aware we were doing gifts." I say as I walk over and sit on the couch. As she walks out with her hands hidden behind her back, she smirks. "What are you doing?" I say as she sits next to me. "Liana, I have felt this connection with you since I met you. It almost feels like I know you from another life. It almost feels like we are meant to be together. So, Liana Luthor, will you marry me?" I stare for a moment before saying anything. "Yes! Of course! I love you!" I say as she puts the ring on my finger. I pull her in and kiss her.

Alex Danvers/Lexie GreyWhere stories live. Discover now