This Is Ridiculous

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~Liana's POV~

I wake up and roll over and see it's 8 am. I roll back over and realize Alex isn't in bed. I get up and walk into the kitchen and see she is making breakfast. "Heyy, whatcha' making?" I say as I wrap my arms around her and kiss her cheek. "I am making pancakes.". She says as she puts the last two on a plate and hands me it. We walk over and sit at the table. Just as I am about to start to eat my phone rings. "Ugh. Who is calling me?" I say as I walk over and pick up my phone. "Nope. I am not dealing with you right now." I say as I let the phone go to voicemail and walk back over to the table. "Who was it?" Alex asks as she takes a bite of her pancakes. "One of the many, many people trying to get me to move back to Seattle, still." I say as I start eating. "Still? Who was it this time?" "Shockingly, the one person who very much understands why I do not want to go back. Meredith. She is the only one there who truly knows why." I say as I finish eating and bring mine and Alex's plates into the kitchen.

"Don't forget we have cake tasting this afternoon." Alex says as I walk into the bathroom to take a shower. "I know!" I yell back as I turn the shower on. 

~Lena's POV~
Kara's Apartment

"Kara, what is so suspicious about my sister? Seriously." I ask her and her face is in shock. "Wha- " Alex told me. Listen. I get that you don't want Alex to get hurt again, but come one. Despising my sister? She has been nothing but nice to you." I say as Kara just stares, speechless. "I know. Its just.....something seems weird about her. I can't explain it." Kara says just staring at her hands. 

"Just try explaining it." I say. She stays silent for a moment. "It just seems like she is hiding something. But not something bad...just something." Kara says as she looks at me but avoids eye contact. I stare back not saying anything.

~Alex's POV~
Liana And Alex's House

"Come on. We have to be there in 15 minutes." I say as I put my shoes on and grab my keys. "Coming!" Liana says as she runs out of her office. "Sorry. People keep calling me and at this point I'm ready to block all of them. Or get a new number." Liana says with a slight laugh. She puts her shoes on and we had out to the car.

"Lena and Kara are meeting us there." I say as we pull out of the driveway and head to the bakery. "Ok. Speaking of Kara, has she said anything about me?" "What do you mean?" I ask as I stop at a red light. "I don't know. I just have this feeling she doesn't like me or trust me for that matter. " "Uh, I mean she did seem a little weird when I was planning on proposing, other then that she hasn't said anything." I say as I pull into the parking lot of the bakery. "I was just wondering." Liana says as we pull into the parking lot of the bakery. We walk in to see Lena standing at the counter. "Hey." She says as we walk up to her. "Hey. Where's Kara?" I ask. "Work emergency at CatCo. I figured she would've told you." Lena says as we walk over to a table.

~2 hours later~
~Lena's POV~

Liana and I are still a the table while Alex heads over to the counter to finalize stuff. "So, did Kara actually have an emergency at CatCo or was she lying because she hates me?" Liana asks and I just stay silent for a moment. "She lied. There wasn't an emergency, she didn't want to be here with you. She thinks you're hiding something. And I told her she sounds crazy." It takes Liana a second to say something. "Wow. You know, I get here not liking me. She has every right to her opinion on me and I can live with that. The fact she would do this to Alex though. Unbelievable. "Liana says as she shakes her head. "Maybe you could talk to her. Then she can get to know you. And she can realize you aren't hiding anything." I say as Alex comes back to the table. "Hey. Ready to go?" "Uh, yeah. "Liana says as she stands up and heads to the parking lot with Alex. I head out behind them and walk to my car and get in. I pull out my phone and call Kara.

~The Next Day~
~Liana And Alex's House~
~Liana's POV~

It's 7 am and I'm sat on the couch drinking coffee and watching TV. My phone rings and I check to see who it is. "Ugh. Seriously?" I say as I answer. "Hey Amelia. What's up? "~A few minutes pass~ "Yeah, I can come. I gotta go. I'll talk to you later." I hang up as Alex walks out of the bedroom. "Hey. Who was that?" She says as she pours herself  cup of coffee. "Um, it was Amelia. I have to go to Seattle. And I was wondering if you would want to come. This way you can meet all of them. "

"Ok. Sounds good." Alex says as she takes a long sip of her coffee. "How are you so awake already? It's 7:30." She asks in between taking sips of her coffee. "Because I used to have to get up a like 3:30 everyday during my residency so I'm used to it." Alex makes a face. "3:30? How did you function? I can barley function at 8 am." Alex says as she finished her coffee and pours another cup. 

"I have to go do a couple things. I'll see you later." I say as I kiss Alex on the cheek. I grab my keys and head out the door. As I pull out of the driveway, I call Lena. "Hey. What's up?" She says. "Well, I'm on my way to Kara's apartment. So if you don't hear from me in like an hour and a half, I might be dead." I say with a light laugh. "I'm sure it'll be fine." "You're probably right. Well, I'm here so I gotta go. I'll let you know  how it goes." I say as I pull into the parking lot of Kara's apartment building. "Ok. Talk to you later. Bye." She says as I hang up. I turn off the car and get out. As I walk in he building and head of the stairs I go over what I'm gonna say to Kara.

As I approach the door, I try to stay confident and think positive. It can't go to bad, right? I knock on the door and it feels like a few minutes pass before I hear foot steps coming towards the door. When the door opens, Kara stands for a second until she sees that it's me. "Um, what are you doing here?" She asks, sounding very stand-offish. "Can we talk?" I say. There's silence for a few moments before Kara breaks it. "Sure, I guess." She gestures for me to come in. We walk over and sit on the couch.

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