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It was a quiet day in the orimura house y/n stayed at home while his twin brother ichika was out going to apply in a school. Unbeknownst to ichika and chifuyu y/n was in the basement trying to make a suite that will help him save people without the requirements of an I.S.

(Note: you are in college due to your high intellect)

Y/n: I still can't believe I got into college before ichika can. But know I need to focus this suit will be revolutionary. I still do not know why chifuyu had military grade weapons in the house, for now the suit shall be made of steel and once i'm finish i might be able to get titanium, tungsten and gold wires. This suit is still in prototypical stage once i get the necessary items i can enhance its quality and durability.

Y/n continued to make adjustments to the suit until he hear the door slammed.

Y/n: that's not ichika and chifuyu is still at her job.

Y/n grab the left arm of his suit and placed it on his left arm then attached it to a experimental reactor he made then he begin to charge it.

Y/n: i swear to god if they're trying to steal my ramen packs i will kill them.

Y/n ready his ripulsor and got upstairs and saw ichika sweating bullets.

Y/n: *sigh* what did you do this time?

Ichika: I didn't do anything...well I only touched a I.S and it turned on.

Y/n: It what?

Ichika: It turned on when I touch it.

Y/n: Are you sure you turn it on or your just fucking with me?

Ichika: I'm not joking I turned it on!

Y/n: Last time i check IS don't turned on when a man try's it.

Ichika: I don't even know how it's possible but it worked.

Y/n: How are we going to explain this chifuyu?

Chifuyu: No need I heard everything.

Y/n and ichika: C-Chifuyu?!

As the brothers sweat bolts chifuyu gives a huge sigh and explain the situation.

Y/n: Wow so that means ichika is goin to is academy, well best of luck bro.

Chifuyu: *See's the weird contraction on y/n's arm* Y/n what's that on your arm?

Y/n: Huh, What do yo-...shit I forgot to take it off...ugh no use hiding them, fine it's my latest invention the repulsor.

Ichika: Wow it looks like an IS arm but way different.

Y/n: I took me a while to finished it but here's my pride and joy.

Chifuyu: What does it do?

Y/n: This! *Y/n aims for the can and blast it* Oh hell yeah, it worked!

Ichika: That's Sweet bro!

Chifuyu: How did it do that.

Y/n: Well you see The repulsor effect is created by taking excess electrons and turning them into muons which can penetrate deep into atomic matter before being fed to the hands but the down side is that i didn't finish the reactor for it to function properly but once it's finish it can be used to repair anything from the deep seas to the airless space.

Ichika: I lost you at the muon thing.

Chifuyu: ...Can this be used as a weapon?

Y/n: Sadly yes, due to it's high power consumption.

Chifuyu: Well this is a predicament. why can't you two not cause trouble while i'm gone?

Ichika: Sorry?

Y/n: Honestly what did you expect from us? Sit here being mindless idiots.

Chifuyu: ...Fair point.

Y/n: So what know?

Chifuyu: Well we can't exactly leave you alone because of your weapon you just made.

Y/n: Come on i'm not as dangerous as ichika.

Ichika: Hey!

Chifuyu: Silence you two are going to Is academy and that's final.

Y/n: What?! But why?

Chifuyu: Cause i say so Or do you want me to beat it into you?

Y/n: ...F-Fine you win i'll do it but i'll be ignoring class since i know all of it.

Chifuyu: At least try to attend and do the course work and homework.

Y/n: You know i'll answer them once you hand them out.

Chifuyu: At least try to take class seriously.

Y/n: No promises.

And so Y/n Returned to the basement and took off the arm and reactor and made the suit turned into a briefcase so chifuyu and ichika won't know what it is.

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