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Giza, Egypt. March 20, 2022

Ahmed Habib and his wife recently relocated to a quaint apartment, situated just a few kilometers away from the iconic Great Pyramid of Egypt. This decision came in the wake of a devastating car accident that claimed the life of their only beloved daughter, Dalia. Aya, his beloved wife, had recently been discharged from the hospital, having endured injuries from the tragic incident. Determined to heal and move forward, the couple sought solace by starting afresh in their new home.

Ahmed had been working as a Physics Professor at Cairo University, but the heart-wrenching loss of their child compelled him to take a leave of absence. His heart ached for his wife, who struggled to cope with the immense grief and anguish that consumed her.

Initially, the couple entertained thoughts of venturing abroad, eager to escape their painful memories. However, with international travel constraints brought about by the far-reaching COVID-19 pandemic, Ahmed decided it was best for him and his wife to reside temporarily in an apartment that had been in his family for generations. Located in Giza, the very place Ahmed was born and raised, it served as a repository of cherished memories and knowledge. Following the passing of his parents and the disinterest of his sole sibling in the property, Ahmed had the apartment refurbished into a livable space. Renting it out became a valuable source of additional income, especially after he married and began constructing a new life with his own family.

In this new setting, Ahmed and his wife sought to forge a path toward healing and recovery, endeavoring to find solace and hope amidst the profound tragedy that had befallen them.

As the pandemic swept across the globe, it also impacted the lives of two student tenants in an apartment. After being vacant for over a year, they returned to his childhood place and faced the task of thoroughly cleaning the entire place. The cleaning process served as a temporary distraction for Aya, allowing her to momentarily forget the tragedy that had occurred, as she immersed herself in the old photographs of her husband from the family album.

Today, Ahmed had to dig behind the house to inspect the water pipe as there was no water flowing into their bathroom. Equipped with a crowbar and a shovel, Ahmed swiftly made his way from the kitchen towards the rear of the house. Passing through the kitchen, he spotted Aya holding a bowl, cracking eggs in preparation for cooking. Aya noticed her husband and immediately followed him towards the back of the house. Leaning against the side of the door, she continued beating the eggs into the bowl.

"Shouldn't you have breakfast first before beginning that, my dear?" Aya asked Ahmed.

Ahmed smiled and gazed at his wife while thrusting the sharp end of the shovel into the Bermuda grass where the water pipe was buried.

"I'll take care of this first, sweetheart. It will be challenging to dig once the sun becomes more intense with its scorching heat," Ahmed replied, wiping away the beads of sweat forming on his forehead.

"Do you want me to assist you there?" Aya offered.

"Don't worry about me, my love. It'll only take a moment. Perhaps the pipe got clogged due to its prolonged inactivity," Ahmed responded, persevering in his search for the pipe with the shovel in his grasp.

"But once I finish preparing breakfast, let's eat together. I'd like us to enjoy our meal the two of us," Aya requested of Ahmed.

Ahmed stopped what he was doing and turned to face Aya. She was still leaning against the side of the door, continuing her task of cooking the eggs. Ahmed gazed at his wife and let out a sigh. He wanted to blame Aya for their child's death, but he couldn't bring himself to do it due to his overwhelming love for her. If only Aya hadn't rushed home that day, the accident wouldn't have happened. If only she hadn't drove drunk, their daughter, would still be alive. However, his love for Aya triumphed. Despite having a valid reason to place blame on her, he knew deep down that it wasn't her intent. What parent would desire such a tragedy? Because of his love, Ahmed was able to forgive Aya.

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