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"Well.." He paused for a moment, "I didn't get into NYU." His voice sounded low and his face fell down.

"Oh no!" I pulled him into a hug but he chuckled? He didn't get into his 'dream university' and he's chuckling?

"Are you okay? Are you in denial or something because there's nothing funny about that. Or did you get accepted? I shot him with questions.

"It's fine, really. Maybe NYU wasn't meant for me but I got into Washington University and you applied there too. So, let's hope that you get accepted and then we can start a new journey together." He smiled.

"Ryder!" I beamed, "I wanted to tell you this before but I wanted to see your reaction when I told you this! I should cut to the chase, I got accepted into Washington University this morning itself." I shrieked and hugged. He held me close to him tightly.

"I'm so proud of you! It's like your dream come true!" He smiled.

"Okay, let's go inside. Also, can we not tell anyone else about this? It's just because they're already so bummed about Nicole and Josh." I shrugged.

"Why do you think I came here to tell you that?" He folded his arms and raised his eyebrow.

"Smart boy!" I chuckled and continued, "Let's go now." I told him and we both turned around to find Nicole standing.

"Nicole?" I jumped out of fear because of her sudden appearance, "Do you want something?" I asked while Ryder and I exchanged 'Did she hear us?' looks.

"I heard that." Nicole frowned as she folded her arms and continued, "I don't know why you guys would think about keeping that from us." She started sobbing and her voice was breaking "I-i-i," She took a moment to pull herself together before continuing, "I-i mean yeah everyone's kind of bummed but hey!" She paused after letting out another sob, "we are all friends and will be happy for you guys. No matter what!"

"What the hell Nicole? Are you okay?" Claire busted in the kitchen as soon as she heard the sobs, Ryan and Josh were behind her.

"Hey, it's okay. I know that you are our friend and that you are happy for us but why are you crying?" I pulled her into a hug to calm her down while Ryder explained Claire, Ryan and Josh about what was going on.

"I don't know" she gasped, still not releasing from the hug.

I looked at Claire and eyed at all the guys, signaling her to ask them to go out.

"Okay, I think we have something to discuss about so why don't you guys head out." Claire looked at the guys and they nodded because they found themselves in a very awkward situation here.

"Hey," I released Nicole from the hug and handed her a glass of water, "I know what this was all about."

"Yeah, no one goes around having a mental breakdown in the kitchen just because a friend of a person is going to college with their boyfriend." Claire folded her arms, obviously knowing that this was all about Josh.

"You guys are right, it's because of.." Nicole's eyes were puffy because of all the crying.

"Josh." Claire and I both said that at the same time.

"Yeah, I'm sad" Nicole admitted to us, before pausing and taking a deep breath, "Very sad." She sat on the kitchen floor itself.

"I don't know if it was the right decision, you know and I don't want to regret it." She let out a few more tears. "ugh." She hid her face with her palms.

"Nicole, I'm just going to ask you one thing. Do you really think that it is better if you guys aren't together?" I knelt down and asked her.

Nicole took the palms off of her face and wiped her tears "I mean yeah but it's just.." She gasped, before continuing, "New" She sighed.

"I mean, I just don't want to regret this." Nicole pulled herself together.

"Oh baby girl" Claire let out a laugh, "You regret things either way. Either you do them and regret them or you don't do them and regret them." Claire shrugged.

"True that!" I high fived Claire and we both chuckled while Nicole rolled her eyes.

"But you know, on the other hand." Nicole paused and looked at me and Claire, "I think it'll be way better if we don't continue this. Also, if I'm going to regret what I do either way, this one's a better thing to regret." She sighed.

"See I know it'll be hard for you but there will be someone out there for you." I sat down with her and gave her a hug.

"Yep." Claire nodded and joined the hug.

"It'll be hard to not see him and be with him though, but it's for the best." Nicole gave us a tight lipped smile.

"Okay, now if we're done. We should probably head out and order something." Claire got up and pulled me and Nicole from the floor.

"Yup." I agreed and we all made our way out.

The rest of the evening we decided to let go of all the problems we had because we knew that almost all our universities started during the fall semester. I agree that we all had time together but not much. So, we spent the evening chatting and reminiscing about all the good moments we all had with each other. We went through old pictures and memories. This was followed by non stop talking and laughing. This was the evening we all needed.

All of our lives were about to change and we all had no clue what the future held for us. We all lost some people, gained some people and learnt something from every experience we had together or alone.

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