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01 | The Painting

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01 | The Painting

Imagine not being able to talk, not being able to speak your mind or voice your opinion. It's hard to picture since speaking is something most people do throughout their life, it's a normal thing. Though for Kya Scrubb it's not. There are plenty of people in this world not given the gift of voice and speech, Kya being one of them. She lived her life not being able to talk or make any sounds out of her mouth. It used to be such a frustrating thing for her but now she's used to it.

Kya lived with her mother and father, Alberta and Harold Scrubb. They weren't the most pleasant people, but they did treat her well. Then there was her younger brother, Eustace. He was always an annoying pest and seemed to talk enough for the both of them. It seemed no matter how hard anyone tried to shut him up, words just kept on flowing out of his mouth. Though it didn't matter how annoying Eustace was, Kya still loved him. She just couldn't help but want him to be quiet for once.

Kya was always recommended to learn sign language by teachers, but her parents never agreed to give her lessons much to her dismay. They both thought it would be too confusing for Kya to learn, and too difficult for themselves to understand what she was trying to say. Kya just had to get used to not being able to communicate with anyone without having to write it down.

Kya was always a kind hearted person. She was one of those people who you'd pass by in the streets, and she'd send you a smile, brightening up your day entirely.

She was probably the only thing keeping Edmund and Lucy Pevensie sane in the Scrubb household. Edmund and Lucy, Kya's cousins, were sent to stay with her, Eustace and her parents while their mother, father and siblings were in America.

The two Pevensie children were glad to have Kya there, since she made their lives much less miserable. Eustace was no help though, he got even more annoying and obnoxious than usual. Kya tried to make up for Eustace's terrible behaviour towards Edmund and Lucy, it didn't really help much.

Kya had to share her room with Lucy, which she didn't mind. Though Eustace was riled when he found out he had to share a room with Edmund, who wasn't happy about the arrangement either.

Kya had never really been close with any of the Pevensie siblings, even with Peter, who she was the same age as. Her parents never made it a habit to visit them, so Kya was never given the chance to really get to know any of them. Though Edmund and Lucy coming to stay with them allowed her to become more acquainted with them.

Kya tried her best for them to get to know her also by using a notepad to write down her words. The two Pevensie siblings were very accepting of her, even though she wasn't able to talk to them. They gave her time to write down her opinion on something before continuing on the conversation.

No matter how hard Kya tried to make them feel welcome, Eustace and her parents always screwed it up. Like I said, Kya doesn't have the nicest family. It's always been a question frequently asked, where did she get her kind spirit from?

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