Hard decisions (Part 2.)

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Amelie made her way to the dungeons, knowing Snape would be there in his classroom. When she arrived, she knocked on the door, waiting for a response, although she was silently hoping he wasn't there. But after a while, the door opened, revealing the tall black-haired wizard.

"Miss Smith, what a surprise. Is there anything you need?" He asked.

"Oh well, sir, did you need any help here? I want to make myself useful." She answered

Snape raised his eyebrows at her. "Very well, I indeed need help. You can organize the potions books, each shelf has its determined class," he said as he let her inside before closing the door and walking back to his desk.

Amelie wasted no time and started to organize the books. Snape was on his desk scribbling in some parchment the things he needed to get done, especially with all the first years. They both did their stuff in silence for quite a while, but something was starting to distract Snape, some inaudible whisper, although it sounded more like gibberish.

He thought it was Amelie who was talking to herself, but he soon noticed it was her mind, her thoughts more specifically, he decided to let her be and try to ignore that heavy rambling, but as much as he tried, it became impossible.

"Your thoughts are extremely loud. What is bothering you now?" Snape said in an annoyed tone, wondering if he asked her, her thoughts would subside, and he could continue working.

Amelie was taken away by his question, she despised the fact that he could read her thoughts, and she despised even more that he had the audacity to read them. "It is nothing, and with all the respect, sir, can you please stop reading my thoughts? You are completely invading my privacy." She responded.

"Smith, your mind is rushing, you are thinking too much about something, and that is why I can hear your loud thinking which is rushed, therefore, I can not decipher what you are thinking. Would you mind either sharing what is wrong with you or controlling your mind, so I don't have to hear whatever is going in there and continue with what I have to do?" Snape said, getting angrier by the minute.

Amelie knew that if she kept quiet, her thoughts would continue to bother him, and she would never get the courage to ask about his past, but she was also afraid, terrified really, of what could happen if she asked. Her eyes met his, and with a sigh, she decided for the best.

"Well, sir, there is indeed something bothering me, and I hope you don't get mad at me for this." Amelie started. Snape furrowed his brows at her comment but stayed silent for her to continue.

"You see, I spent the last weeks of summer with the Weasley's, and as Ron is a good friend of Harry's, he was over as well. I've heard stories on how you and the boy get along, and I can tell you don't like him. I was wondering, as I'm your assistant, and we'll be around Potter so much." She made a brief pause before continuing. "If you could tell me the reason why you dislike him so much, sir?" She said hesitantly, afraid to hear what he had to say.

Snape watched her silently, his eyes never left hers, which made Amelie extremely uncomfortable. He then cleared his throat.

"I believe that information does not concern you; after all, it is not like I don't dislike any of my students, I don't know why you think Potter could be the exception." He said sternly and making emphasis on the boy's name. He then, trying to end the topic, started to walk towards the door as if he was escaping.

Amelie knew she had to keep pushing; after all, it was important for Dumbledore, and according to him, also to their careers and personal life. She decided to use the information the headmaster had provided her when she arrived at the school.

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