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𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞📍

I walked downstairs n seen alizah eating waffles taking to Kobe's mom it made me smile "why hello" I said sitting on the counter "hi dessy" she cheesed "when are u gunna have kids baby I need grandkids from u n Kobe" Kobe's mom said "I'm 'dead' n he has that white girl that's currently taking my place in the mafia "des the girl can't last a shoot out I'm sure Kayden giel Derek Jojo Ballo n Jaiden won't even let that happen "your right-" I laughed at the thought of Derek yelled at the girl in a meeting "so alizah what do u like to do for fun?" I asked " play with Bears!" She yelled kicking her feet back n forth happy "like real bears?" I asked "no...my stuffy" she said "where's it" I asked "at home" she said with her head down "imma tell daddy to get it okay?" I said "tell who what?" Giel said walking threw the door "when did u even leave?" I felt someone slap the back of my head "ow" I yelled backhanding whoever it was "DES!" Kobe's mom yelled I looked at who it was n it was Kayden with now a busted lip "AHHH" I laughed "that's not funny" he yelled "u know U wanna laugh" I said I looked over seeing giel laughing his ass off on the floor

I gave alizah a bath n now she's rapped up in a towel "so what do u want your hair like?" I asked "ummm pretty!" She smiled "okay" I said I got some rubber bands n did a hairstylist I put some baby oil on her skin n let that dry before butting baby lotion on I put her underwear on n some clothes

I gave alizah a bath n now she's rapped up in a towel "so what do u want your hair like?" I asked "ummm pretty!" She smiled "okay" I said I got some rubber bands n did a hairstylist I put some baby oil on her skin n let that dry before butting bab...

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^but with little Jean shorts under

^but with little Jean shorts under

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I put high Nike socks on her n some all white air Forces "come on" we ran out of my room n into the living room "GIEL" I yelled "he's not here ma'am" the maid said "oh..." I said "but...ugh- is Kayden here?" I asked "no ma'am" the maid said "I can take her to get the Bear n some other toys" Kobe's mom said "n-" "plsss" alizah said tugging my hand "u take to damn long come on baby" Kobe's mom said walking out the door with alizah "I- okay" I huffed

𝐊𝐨𝐛𝐞 ꨄ
𝐊𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐬 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞📍

I walked inside my house after locking my car I heard giggling n talking n laughing n movement I scrunched my face up walking into the kitchen seeing my mom n a little girl who lowkey looked like giel mixed with Ballo- idk

"Uh hey mom" I said kissing her cheek "boy don't kiss my cheek like u didn't lock me in a room yesterday u crazy person" she rolled her eyes "who's this" I said pointing to the little girl which offended her "don't point at people sir" she said with a attitude "period tell him Bear!" My mom said "bear?" I asked "n excuse me" he said with a attitude "your excused" she said smiling "who names there child Bear" I said poking my head at this little ball of fucking attitude "me!" She said poking her head back at me "ma Fr who's child is this" I said "its giels her name is alizah but we call her Bear" "we?" I asked "ah....just me I mean" I looked at her weird "um okay" I said "what's she doing here?" "I came to get her stuffy-" my mom was cut off by someone jumping on my back I knew who it was bye the blonde hair on my shoulder "hey bae" Ava smiled "hi" I said "uh....who's that" Ava said pointing at alizah "don't point at people it rude" alizah said "well I'm sorry" Ava rolled her eyes "that's mean my dad said" alizah said "n how old are u?" Ava asked "uh 4" she said counting with her fingers "oh well what's your name" Ava asked "I can't give that out to strangers" alizah said making me laugh "u gave it to him tho" Ava said "no I didn't she did" she said pointing to my mon

After a little while alizah was running threw the house as me n my mom talked while Ava was on my lap "BEAR" my mom yelled alizah popped up "time to go back" my kkm said "to the beach house with d-" "yes with daddy" my mon cut her off alizah ran to the door "bye baby's" my mon said getting up n walking out but then I got a text...

𝐋𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐫
(𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐅 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃) 𝐡𝐞𝐲𝐲𝐲 𝐛𝐚𝐞𝐬 𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐬
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