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I'm standing in my balcony..the weather is very beautiful today..a perfect combination of cold and warm..I'm enjoying this environment while looking at the sky..
The park is different today..
it looks more fresh..
When I looked at the road..Hoseoksshi was walking towards my home..he was smiling and waving at me..Just when I called his name..


Someone grabbed me by my arm and pulled me closer...just a glance..

It was Lee..yah..

Before even I could say anything he crashed into my lips..he started kissing me..he was kissing me soo softly yet passionately..

My eyes kept wide open out of shock..I was still able to see the road from the corner of my eyes...
Hoseoksshi was straightly looking at us..with a expression less face..

I closed my eyes and a tear drop fell straight on my cheeks..I grabbed Lee's sleeve and put myself into his embrace..
When I opened my eyes...

My vision was blurry..my head was spinning and I wasn't able to hear things properly..

All I could see was a Plain.White.Ceiling..!!

I tried to get up but my body gave up..
My whole body was shivering and eyes were filled with tears..my heart was aching for who knows what reason!!..

It took me 15 mins to come back to my sence...

15th, July, Sunday, 2029..
       7.30 am...

I get up and set on the corner of my bed..I kept staring at the floor for some moments..I stood up and went towards my kitchen to drink water...I poured some water in a glass and set in a chair while drinking..Suddenly I noticed that Hoseoksshi's wallet was lying all alone in my couch..I went towards it and picked it up.. I was totally free today..So I thought about calling Hoseoksshi at my house or if he is busy then I will take it to him..I took out my phone and dialed Hoseoksshi's number..

Outgoing call..


What are you upto?..
Are you free?

Maybeee or maybee not..
Hehe..why do you ask?..

Noo..actually..You have left
something important
in my house..

What is that?

Your wallet dear Hobisshi..
Give me your address..
I will come to return it..

Ummm...You are busy..
I understand..I will come
and take it..but give me
30 to 45 minutes..

Yaahh..When did I
say Im busy?!

Hmm..I can understand
you are very busy..
wait..I'm coming..

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