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I quietly looked through the door hole
and everything was


I keep standing there.. Suddenly my whole body temperature came down..I got goosebumps all over my body..I wasn't able to move my feet..I kept looking at the door speech lessly...and then again!!


Now I came back to my sense..
I couldn't find any way to escape..
"What should I do now?!" (Thinking)
And then I remembered of
I took out my phone as soon as possible and when I was about to dial his number..

"Elma?..are you there?.. It's me.."

I opened the door in less than a second and hugged him by his waist as tight as possible without thinking anything..!!..he kept standing there shocked..



"What's taking her this long..like literally it's passed midnight!!!..she is still
nowhere to be found...!!"

I wanted to meet with her..so I decided to go to her home and talk..
I came here at 9 pm..
Generally she stays at home in this hour..but that day..she wasn't..So I kept waiting and she was still not home..I took attempt to leave so many times but couldn't...because I was having a feeling that the minute after I will leave she will arrive...I wanted to call her but couldn't because I thought she is busy..and at last when I was about to call I saw her arriving infront of her house with a BOY!..

"Who is he ?!.." (saying lightly)

Then the boy suddenly turned to her and started YELLING at her..

" How dare is HE???..is he her boyfriend?!..eventhough..how can he yell at her...YOU ARE DEADMEAT!!.."

And then when I took attempt to kill him..I saw Elma started talking..she was talking politely..so I step back..and when
Elma was talking, the boy started
calming down slowly..

"What are they talking about?!..why everything is soo tensed up?..is she alright?!"..

From their whole conversation I just heard that the boy was telling
Elma to call him no matter what
the situation or time is!!..
Seriously then I was really worried..!!

After some more talking..the boy left and she went inside...I had no clue what should I do now... should I leave or go and check on her!?... isn't it too late for that?..yeh it is..I will come tomorrow morning..

"Goodnight Elma!!"
(Wished in silence)

I'm looking through her window!!..yeh...I couldn't leave...I was so damn worried to leave her all alone in this windy night...And something obviously happened that I need to make sure if she is fine...

I'm in front of her main door..

"What's wrong with this door light?!..is it broken?.. whatever.."

I pressed her door bell but it didn't sound...

"This door bell is also not working!!..waahh..what a timing!!"..

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