Chapter 10

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I go to Walmart...picking up every possible party item I could possibly find and also still thinking on how I'm gonna surprise her,well I know how i am going to surprise her (in the party) but what shall I say?

'Surprise' -nope
Give her a present - nope
A mix of both? - Maybe

Hmmmm...I have a idea! Finally.... My insides jumped up with excitement because I have an idea,all my problems solved.That was a lot easier than I thought it would be!

Quickly, I was pacing up and down aisles of party items until I reached the end of shop and my trolley was extremely full;gosh I wonder how much this is gonna be!

R.I.P my bank account.

Scanning item, after item ,after item and shoving it into my shopping bag.The price rate was vastly increasing as fast as my blood pressure and thats saying something!

"Thats $350.21" the lady in behind the till politely exclaimed.

She held up the card payment machine so I could pay☹︎

I payed and got all my bags into the trolley and walked my way out, Damon was in the cake shop opposite ordering her birthday cake and also buying all the liquor 🥃 needed for the massive party planned! I scurried over the car and put my bags in the trunk of the car,patiently waiting for Damon to be back because it has been a hour or so since we left each other.I couldn't wait for the party!

"Hey Stefan?What are you doing here?" Elena said

My heart skipped a beat, I quickly closed the trunk of the car and looked straight back into her gorgeous crystal blue eyes.

"H-hey Elena.I've been doing some pa-,sorry I mean grocery shopping.With Damon being here the house is empty so I'm just stocking up on some daily essentials."

That was the best reply I could have came up with.I NEARLY told her about the surprise,what's wrong with me? Seriously?

"Oh okay,I just came here for a walk...where's Damon?"
"Er Damon is er-"
"Hey Stefan" Damon says with his clearly visible bags in his hand 🤦‍♂️
"Oh, what a surprise?Here he is!" I awkwardly reply
"Hey Damon,haha we were just talking about you where have you have lots of bags?"she asked
"I'm just  trying to settle back into mystic falls so I'm just getting the essentials,right brother?"  He said!

He's a lot better at lying than me

"Yeah, anyways we have to get going now" I say
"Sure do" Damon replies
"Oh okay,I'll see you later then!" she replies
"Bye,bye" me and Damon shout back in sync

"Few that was a close on" I exclaim to Damon
"I know right" he says while unpacking the shopping bags into the trunk
"Did you get everything?"
"Yep,over budget 😭" he replied
"Same anyways the party starts in a few hours we need to get going so we can start decorating"

We both get in the car,talking about all the spectacular ideas we have planned for her surprise birthday.

I still couldn't stop thinking about my gift to her..she's going to a trip of her dreams,I can't wait to see her priceless reaction however I do wonder what Damon has got her.It can't top mine can it?

I know it's selfish of me to think about his gift but this gift of mine is really special, like I'm asking her to be my has to be unforgettable.

But I need to tell Damon now, that I'm going to  ask her to be my girlfriend because I haven't yet ...I am curious to see how he will react and I need to tell him before it's  too late!

"Damon I have something to tell you, I have been keeping it away from you for a little while so now it's time to tell you.Is that okay?"
"Yeah sure,spill"
"Okay 3,2,1, I'm asking Elena to be my girlfriend during the trip that's why I'm taking her out on a trip!"I blurt out


"Oh yeah, I already could tell from the way you look at her,talk to her and act around her"
"Wait! You already,do you have any thoughts on it?
"Nope,I think it's gonna be great" he replies

I'm surprised he is taking this so well and is being really nice for once.Strange.

We just started talking and talking about different ideas until we arrived at our house

We brought everything in and placed all the shopping bags on the kitchen counter,emptying all our beautiful party items to the table to see if we were missing anything and to see if we were ready to start decorating

We had bought a lot of stuff so it wasn't a surprise to me that it took us half an hour to empty all our bags because we had loads of bags and I mean loads!

Then it was finally decorating time,my favourite I loved decorating always have but this is my first time decorating something this big and something this special.I was ecstatic🤩!!!

We decorated everything in the house...we started from the sitting area , putting colourful balloons up and all sorts of banners etc then slowly moving around to every room in the house decorating it,trying our best to make it beautiful and special!

Finally as we just about finished all I had to do was put the candles on the cake but I decided not to get a candle with a 'age'on it as she probably is a lot older than she looks because after all she is a vampire so I just got a candle that says 'happy birthday'!

Thankfully we finished decorating...but in my opinion we did a amazing job!

Whilst I was decorating Damon's job was to invite all of Elena's friends and our friends to our house by 6:30pm and then tell Elena that 'she forgot something at our house'and arrive by 7pm.

One by one guests started arriving until the table was full of presents for her including a present from me and a present from Damon.Music was blasting my eardrums and everyone was having the time of their life until we heard a knock on the door at 7:00pm.

Everyone scurried behind the  tables, chairs and sofas trying to hide...

She opened the door!

"Hello? She shouted, from the corner of my eye she was wearing casual clothing but I have got her a beautiful gown to
change into later!

The house was silent

"Hello" she exclaimed
"Stefan,Damon" she shouted again.




Wow...What do you think Elena's reaction was? Priceless...We all just have to wait and see!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2021 ⏰

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