Chapter Sixteen.

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I heard the familiar creaking of a door and opened my eyes to peer up, seeing Karl walk into the space with a plate in hand.

I sit up slowly, black dots decorating my vision as I try to blink away sleep. "Karl?"

"Morning Buttercup," Heisenberg smiles at me, setting the food onto my small side-table. "You slept like a rock all night."

He must've been up and down checking in on me. He's such a worry wuss sometimes.

I smile, taking the plate into my lap. "Breakfast in bed for the third day in a row? Oh, how you love to spoil me," Karl punches me in the shoulder jokingly and I can't help but laugh. 

"Shut it, you need food since you lost so much— so much blood," My friend looks down, his expression falling at the memory.

I sigh, shuffling around so I can rest my head on the man's shoulder. "It isn't your fault, Karl. You know that. It's been three days, I'm okay."

He shakes his head, not even sparing me a look. "I could've saved you. I didn't."

My heart hurts for the guy beside me, and I set my plate back on the table, wrapping my arms around his bulky figure.

It's often nowadays that I break his 'no touch' rule, since he doesn't mind it as much now that we're closer. He breaks it all the time anyway.

Karl has a weird thing about resting on me. He often just walks up and plops his head on my shoulder, or takes my hand to hold it. I don't mind it though, his touch is soothing.

"I got you something. It was gonna be for your birthday but I feel it's necessary," Karl stood, making me sit straight. Did he remember my birthday? I only slid it into a conversation maybe once.

"You don't have to," I cut myself off when Karl walks back into the room, a pile of folded clothes in his arms with a harness and bag resting on top of them.

He sets the gift down on my lap and I laugh, looking at each piece of clothing. There was a nice pair of dark pants, paired up with a looser dark green shirt and a thick trench coat.

"Karl, did you get me a more feminine version of your outfit?" I smirk at the man, seeing his head face away from me quickly. "You dumb dumb."

He just chuckles awkwardly, scratching his neck as I look over the purse and harness. It was pretty obvious that the harness was a sheath for my axe that Karl had made when I first got here.

I didn't often use it since I had to carry the heavy thing around around unlike Karl. Disadvantages of having no telekinetic power am I right?

The purse was nice too, it was one of those long over-the-shoulder types that are easy to carry around.

"Do you... like it?" I realize I've left Karl in the dark as far as my appreciation for the gift and I nod, my smile widening.

"It's amazing! I love it!" He smiles back, relief allowing his shoulders to drop. Almost immediately Karl gets happier, holding the outfit's shirt up to me.

"I think it'll suit you," I nod in agreement, shoving the guy out of my room after standing up. "Huh?! So you're just gonna take my gift and throw me out?"

I laugh, shaking my head as he gets outside the door. "I'm gonna put it on dummy!" With that I shut the door, quickly throwing off my old clothes with relief. They were so dirty after the past month, and I felt gross in them.

Slipping on the outfit I look in the broken and cracked mirror I had and smiled, adjusting the belt of the pants and securing the harness around my shoulders, putting the purse on.

I quickly shovel down my breakfast before opening the door again, throwing my arms out to the side. "I'm Karl Heisenberg! Gimme metal and let me kill my family!"

"Don't make fun of me," Karl scolds, ruffling my hair quickly as he looks over my outfit. "schön."

I smile, twirling around a little to show off everything there was to see. "So, you like?"

He nods, cheeks going flush. "Yeah, a little too much. Don't wear it outside."

His face is dead serious but I can't help but laugh. "For real? Yeah right, like I won't wear something this warm out in the cold."

Karl growls, closing the trench coat over my front side. "No need for those village creeps or Moreau to see you."

I laugh, taking his wrists in my grasp so he lets go of the jacket. "Karl, buddy, my dear friend, this might be a shock to you; but you don't own me."

He nods, looking down at his boots. "I wish I did..."

His childish pout makes me laugh as my face grows hot, the thought of Karl claiming me as his doing... things.

There's a small silence that falls over the two of us as we try to find a way to talk about something different.

"Hello?! Karl?" I hear a familiar voice reach my ears and Karl's glasses practically fall.

"Go to the lowest level. Now."

I'm shoved off towards the elevator and quickly yet quietly I sneak into the machine, pressing the down arrow as fast as I can.

"Mother Miranda! What can I do for you?" My breath catches in my throat and I cover my mouth, shrinking down to the ground as to hide from the woman.

I haven't seen her since that day, and the thought of meeting her again put an unnecessary amount of fear into my stomach.

What's happening?

. . .

-Don't worry everyone Karl and y/n are O K A Y

Translation of schön: beautiful

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