About me

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Monday morning
Hi my name is Emily I am 12 years old I go to a school in England but I have been to about 10 new schools. School is hard for me because people bully me because I am not as high as other people in my class I struggle to work. People pick on me because I am not as smart as them. But why bully it is horrible you would not like it if it was u and this is what I did not understand. My life has just been a mess from the start my mam and dad split up when I was younger and I only see my dad on the weekends. My mam has got married to my step dad called James and he is nice but I want my proper dad to be here with me. My mum is pregnant and I am going to have a little sister witch I am so existed about I want to name her alexia but James wants to name her Harley but well I like it but I would prefer my little sister to be called alexia. Anyway on to about my dad. My dad has a girlfriend which he is madly in love with her which is awkward when I am there but she is like my second mum she is beautiful and she lets me wear her makeup which is awesome cause mum dose not let me where it witch I am upset about 😔💄

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