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Spencer had been in jail for three months, and hadn't seen anyone since his first month.

He knew from letters from his mother that his story had been mostly kept out of the press, only a couple of small stories had been circulated.

It was different when he was called up for a visitor, he was expecting Garcia or JJ, instead he saw a woman he had been dreaming about, Maria.

"I saw the story, but it's wrong, it can't have been you." She said frowning.

"I know, but no one will listen to me, not even my friends at the BAU are listening. My lawyer might, but who knows." He answered her almost crying in frustration.

He had told everyone he was no where near that motel room until Sunday night, but no one would look into it.

"I'll talk to everyone who will listen, I'll try and talk to the hotel we were at, your friends, lawyer, the media. I'll try as hard as I can." She cried holding his hand.

He gave her the phone numbers of people he thought might help him, and promised to try from his end as well, she wrote her number down and kept it after he looked at it and smiled.

After she left he made a few calls, his lawyer, his NA sponsor, Garcia and finally the DA.

He had to force his lawyer to listen and guessed he would need a new one to get out of here.

His sponsor John happened to be a high up person in the FBI, who promised to help him, and was already looking into his case and the BAU.

Garcia blew him off and hung up before he could even tell her what was going on.

The DA listened and instantly jumped on his side, a story this bad could destroy his career, highly respected, FBI agent not even processed properly, innocent, yeah he was calling Maria straight away.

His father was an added call, he explained everything, and his father promised help, and law suits to everyone, he also promised to check on his apartment and belongings.

It took another month before he was released, record wiped clean, reimbursement money in his bank, no place to go as his apartment had been lost, luckily his dad had paid the owing rent and stored all his belonings.

He also had a girl waiting for him, the one who saved his life, his air tight alibi, he had been in a hotel in America with her all weekend, there were credit card statement of his, video evidence at the hotel.

Spencer had never been happier than in that moment, he had stopped for a drink at a bar, and they had started talking and flirting, then decided to spend the night together, luckily that night turned into a weekend.

He was even happier that she had tried to find him, and had not only found him, but fought for him and his freedom, his mother loved her.

She offered Spencer a place to stay until he was on his feet, he accepted, then she dropped another bombshell in his lap, she was four months pregnant, their hotel weekend, it was why she had come looking for him.

He went with Maria happily, almost completely forgetting about his life in the FBI, he still hadn't heard from the team, and John was still looking into why the BAU left him to hang.

Spencer knew Garcia could easily track him, so after talking to John and the DA they met with some higher ups, he made agreements with all of them, and in return they gave him a new life.

Spencer Reid left prison a free, innocent man and vanished, no trail, no contact with anyone.

Sebastian Spencer left the meeting room, he had top level clearance in most government agencies, he could have his own life, do anything.

The cost however was for him to consult on certain cases, or problems, free of charge until a certain amount of hours had been given, then he would be paid he was excited, NASA had already contracted him to help develop an engineering component.

The catch to the agencies was he would work from home, as much as possible, he wanted to be with his family as much as possible.

Maria was staying at his side, willing to make them a real family, they were dating and working towards more.

Spencer had decided to follow Maria to New York, she had a job offer in a book store and he could work anywhere, he had purchased a loft in a boho neighbourhood.

They had everything they needed including Maria's job within a few blocks, Spencer was known as Bastion or Bass around the neighbourhood, Maria called him Seb and he called her Ria.

He had gotten a job at a auto shop, they only worked on older cars and restorations, he worked nine to five four days a week and did the agancy work around that and his life with Ria.

His free consult hours had already been used, so the agencies were now paying him, he offered a sliding scale for payment, he was excited his brains were finally getting used.

He was also trying to create a few things in the engineering world.

He had loved setting up the loft with Ria, their lives and styles blended together perfectly, his office had his bookshelves and books, and his old dark furniture.

The loft had a blend of industrial and a boho style, Ria was influencing his clothing and style, he had let his hair grow out and pulled it up into a bun, had stubble, and he wore fitted ripped jeans with dark tops and a variety of jackets, cardigans, and waistcoats, he wore different style boots depending on his destination.

Around the loft he was most often in fitted ripped jeans and an oversized muscle top and bare feet, hair sticking out in every direction and paint or charcoal smeared on his cheeks.

He had decided to try getting arty, his usual study methods couldn't happen in this life, he had found a gallery that liked his work and sold it for him, he still giggled when he remembered their reactions.

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