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Life with Ria was amazing, he had a nice bank balance, the loft looked homey and inviting, he didn't have images of dead bodies marching through his head at night, a baby on the way, and he was in love.

Ria was seven months along now, loved the bookstore and their loft, and Seb, she remembered the talks with Spencer, but Seb seemed more comfortable, and happy, when she mentioned it to Seb he explained it.

"Spencer had to prove himself, everywhere, I was the kid, the baby, they seemed to think that meant I was a robot. As Seb I can just be me, all my life I've been too young, too smart, too different, never fit with my peers. But now I can just fit, I can just be happy, in love with you." Ria had never thought of it that way.

His skills were still used with the agencies, the CIA had even asked for his help, but now he could just give them the info and forget about everything else.

The walls of the loft had his artwork hung, it was all the random works he had a connection to, splashes of color that had him thinking of afternoons with Garcia, soft swirls that reminded him of moments with Henry.

He got word from John that Will had tried to contact him, and then find him, he then got a disposable phone and called Will on a day when he knew JJ was on a case.

"Hey Will, it's Spencer, I heard you were looking for me? Please don't tell anyone I contacted you." It was a bit more confident than Will was used to hearing from Spencer.

"Yeah, thing with me and Jj went a bit odd after your arrest, I kept telling her you wouldn't do it, but well Jj is Jj. I tried to contact you the first few months, but someone had an approved list, and I wasn't on it. Jj and I then split up and well, I just got my head sorted and Henry was asking me about you, and here we are." Will rambled in a rush.

"Yeah, I can see that happening, sorry about you and Jj. I've gone into hiding, no one will find me, unless I want them to. But for Henry I will do almost anything, what do you want to happen? I can easily write letters, and call when he's there." He said, not sure how John was going to manage this.

"Henry and me, we've gone back to New Orleans. It's not the best, but it works. Michael isn't mine, she cheated with some guy, I only found out when I tried to take him with me. Anyway, Henry misses you, letters and calls would be great, anything else is up to you." Will said not sure where Spencer was living.

"I'll talk to a few people and get back to you, until I know what I can or can't do, it should only take a few days, but I'll call Henry tonight." He said hoping John would come up with an idea to help.

He talked to John and was warned, he wasn't in witness protection, so he could contact and interact with anyone, it was just more risky, for each person from his past he contacted the bigger the risk of discovery.

He talked to Ria about it, who agreed it was worth the risk of discovery, Henry was innocent and Seb loved him, when he asked his parents, they agreed with Ria as well.

He called Will that night, and talked to Henry for an hour before filling in Will on his life changes, Will was happy he had a life, and had agreed to visit him in New York.

Henry thought his new name was the coolest thing ever, and was calling him Basty, he was confused about not telling his mom about it but agreed to keep the secret.

The first visit was a shock to Will, but Henry just accepted it, Will couldn't believe how relaxed Spencer was, he also thought that Sebastian was a perfect name for this new man, the man that couldn't shake hands before prison, but now spent his days covered in grease under a car.

Will and Henry were welcomed into Seb's life, and were gifted the artworks that had been painted with them in mind, they were both excited for the baby to be born, and more excited to be there when Seb and Ria stood in the court house and got married a month before the baby was due.

Will was keeping his phone close after the visit, he had an idea that their baby would come any day now, Henry was having fun drawing pictures for the babies room, and Seb was hanging them all up.

Ria had taken time off from the bookstore, and was nesting at home making sure the nursery was all ready for the baby, Seb had his phone glued to his hand while at work and was ready to go at a seconds notice.

Two weeks after Will went home Ria went into labour, Seb was home that day and got them to the hospital in record time, he called Will while they waited and was holding his wife so in love and happy to meet their baby.

Everything was fine, everything was on track, until it wasn't.

Seb had to stand in the hallway and watch as his wife was rushed into surgery, all he could see was blood and all he could hear were her screams.

An hour later, his world both began and ended, Ria had bled out, they hadn't been able to save her, they were able to save the baby, he was a father, he had a daughter, a beautiful baby girl, he sat in the nursery holding her, trying to find the perfect name.

He decided to follow Ria's wishes, Charlotte Maria Spencer was named for Ria's mother and for Ria herself, Seb held his daughter and after she was asleep let his tears flow, he had lost his beautiful wife.

Will arrived the next day, with no idea what had happened, until he saw Seb, then he knew straight away, he saw the tear tracks and devastation on his face.

Henry was with Jj's mother who had moved with Will to help him, so Will stayed with Seb, called the important people including John the FBI director.

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