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Seb had finally found a schedule that worked, he wasn't sure about adding in the auto shop or how it would work, but the shop had been great about letting him have six months away.

Will had helped him with the funeral and then had to go back to work, his neighbours had helped him get settled.

It just had to happen that he would be called in the help the FBI, the BAU to be exact, and they needed him in dc in person.

John had apologised a bunch of times, but after loosing Ria, he didn't care if they found him, he had Charlie, nothing could tempt him back.

So he packed his car and started the drive, he didn't even change his clothes, his hair was in a bun on his head, ripped jeans, his mechanic boots and a loose muscle shirt that showed the memorial tattoo he got for Ria.

He had a charcoal smudged flannel shirt on the passenger seat he could wear, and his FBI badge sat on top of the flannel.

Five hours later and he was now in the elevator heading to the BAU floor, he was told that John would meet him there, and to bring Charlie so he could play with her.

He couldn't handle anyone calling him Seb any more, so Bass it was, he almost froze when the first person he saw when the doors opened was Emily, but grinned when John popped beside her and ushered him up to the conference room.

Emily chased after them confused on why Spencer was here after being in prison, before she could ask John took over.

"This is Sebastian Spencer and his daughter Charlotte, I called him in, he has high level security clearance in multiple agancies, please show him respect, even if he does look like a hippy." John introduced before throwing a stack of files at him.

"Spencer, how are you here? Last I heard you were in jail." Emily blurted out confused.

"First it's Sebastian now, second I've been out for about eight months." He said picking up Charlie as she started to fuss.

"I can take her Spence." Jj offered holding her arms out.

"It's Sebastian, and no thanks, I've got her." He sat down and started flipping through the files, one arm was holding Charlie, the other the papers, no one on the team had ever seen him this relaxed.

"How did you get out Sebastian?" Rossi asked gently holding Jj back.

"I was innocent, like I told you. Maria tracked me down and helped prove that, she was my alibi. I was with her all weekend in a hotel, we didn't leave until Sunday afternoon. The woman was killed late Friday night." He snapped then calmed himself down.

The case he was helping on involved Cat Adams, who had threatened the team and their families, so Will and Henry were on the way, Hotch and Jack were getting pulled in, his own parents were also on their way, and Derek, Hank and Savannah were almost there.

Bass had drawn up a geographic profile and started looking into tracking her whe Derek walked into the room looking angry.

Before he could say anything Will walked in with Henry and Jj's mom, Henry ran straight at Bass.

"Uncle Basty, can I hold Charlie?" He asked when Bass nodded Henry climbed onto a chair and held his arms out.

It was clear to everyone in the room that this was a practised behaviour, there was zero hesitation of Bass putting Charlie in Henry's arms, nor was there hesitation as Will hugged each other.

"Bass, my dear boy, how are things going? Are you and Charlie settled in? Do you need anything?" She asked holding his cheeks in her hands.

"It's hard Sandy, I keep looking around expecting to see her, but she's gone. Other than that we're doing ok. I still have three month off from the shop. Ali is still taking my stuff and the agencies are giving me stuff to do." He shrugged before he was pulled into a hug.

Just then Garcia's voice came through the phone.

"So I found everyone, except Reid. Did you guys know he was innocent, let out eight months ago, vanished, what do I do now to find him?" She babbled.

"Come to the conference room." Bass said simply before kneeling in front of Henry to take Charlie as she started fussing.

"Give me my goddaughter, and find Cat, then we can go back to our lives." Will said taking Charlie from Bass and sitting away from the group.

Everyone in the room was still frozen until Garcia ran in huffing, then she was frozen, at the sight of a hippy Spencer Reid, not a sweater vest in sight.

She rushed forward and grabbed him into a hug, he patted her on the back and managed to detach himself from her arms.

"Where did you go? How did you vanish so easily?" She asked still holding his arms.

"That was me, and some friends." The director said with a grin. "I got word that your team had turned your backs on him, so I stepped in, changed his name and got him out." John said then smirked. "Charlotte is the physical embodiment of his alibi." He added before leaving the room.

Bass groaned and threw a pen at his head as he left before laughing at the look on Garcia's face.

He pointed at Will holding the baby. "That's Charlotte, my daughter, conceived over that weekend, on US soil, I called for your help to clear me, you hung up." He added with a shrug begore diving back into the case.

There was silence before Derek exploded. "You've been free, for months, and didn't tell us? You just vanished." He yelled.

"Yep, and none of you even knew I was out until today. Will found me months ago, not a single one of you even tried to ring me or write me." Bass said then turned back around as his mom and dad came into the room together.

"Sebastian, sweety, are you ok after Maria? Do you need us to be closer?" His parents asked.

"I'm ok. You guys stay in Vegas, Charlie and I have an entire neighbourhood to help us out." Bass said hugging them and pointing them towards Will.

Sebastian Spencer Reid.Where stories live. Discover now