"The most confused we ever get is when we try to convince our heads of something our hearts know is a lie."
I tell myself I hate you
That you've made me so weak
That you've broken all my walls
And made me believe in love
So that now
I can no longer trust anyone
Because my attachment to you
Was too strongAnd to cover and hide the pain
I'll lie to myself
And I'll keep lying to myself
Till the day
I can finally say, 'I'm fine'
And mean itSo I'll keep mumbling these lines to the world
To my friends, family
And mostly to my gullible self
Because I don't want to be weak
I won't allow itI say I hate you
When in fact, my heart used to beat for you.
I say I never want to see you again
But every night when I close my eyes,
I wish that I could be close to you.
I say that what we had was a mistake
Yet, deep down I know
That I'd go through it all over again
I'd go through the wrenching heartache
The endless sleepless nights spent crying my eyes out
Just so I could feel the warmth radiating from you
And the admiring gaze in your eyes as you would stare at me
And the warm fuzzy feeling that would blossom from the depths of my soul
Whenever you were aroundThe truth is, I hate myself for depriving my heart of its oxygen
Because the one thing that kept me afloat through all the pain in this world
And made me forget all my troubles..Was
A Bleeding Heart
PoetryA creative outlet Where emotions are expressed Through words In poetry Unless you're one of the lucky few Who never get their hearts Broken into two I'm sure y'all will resonate With each poem in here Heartbreak isn't just experienced in a breakup...