King of the Sheep and Sultan

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The appearance they have here is of this AU, like the images above.
Enjoy ~



It was yet another boring day for Dazai, he had seen a small group of people coming for his money yet again, just more thiefs, like every week. These were just four, nothing that his guards couldn't deal with.  Soon enough he heard the guards quickly stopping the group, it seemed that it was just as easy as he thought, no commotion, no screaming, no whining, nothing, it was just a little noise of people falling, probably those four were already on the ground and we're just accepting their fate, maybe they were suicidal and just wanted a reason to die like quite some thiefs who try to steal his treasure.

"BO-" A scream was stopped at the middle, one more body down, and 'bo"??? Wasn't that the voice of one of his subordinates?! And with that it's 5 bodies! They were only four! What happened?!

Dazai quickly got out of bed, took a second to hear better what was happening, another body down, swords collapsing, probably a pretty big fight. He put his slippers on and quickly walked down to where they were only to see almost half of the normal guards of the front door down and one only person fighting, the other three collecting the pertences of those down and sometimes defending themselves.

Noticing him there the ginger which was fighting the men makes a little 'tsk' sound followed by a "get out, I'll get the rest" as he kicked a mans stomach near the ribs, probably breaking them based on the loud cracking sound it gave off. The three people looked at Dazai, a silver haired boy pulled both girls out of there, the pink haired one only pushing him a little to get the bag full of gems they've collected. Dazai only watched the three running away getting through the few guards on the front and the ginger still kicked the mens guts with his hands in the purple fabric laying loosely around his waist just a little bit above the white baggy pants he was wearing.

His gaze was stuck on the man, he was so skinny he feared his bones would give up inside the seemingly only layer of skin covering them, but he also was pretty muscular, actually, not muscular, just fit, you could see the muscles that proved he had something more than bones and skin, but they really weren't the extremely exaggerated muscles his guards had, it was just fit, and all with his pale skin, something nothing typical of where they were, it was hot. His ginger hair was swaying around, flying with a freedom never seen, it would shine occasionally when the sun would directly hit a part of it thanks to the big open door behind him, but it would also quiet down anytime he'd rest for a second to catch his breath or look for another enemy. His feet feet were wrapped in a brown sandal, it was beautiful, not the sandal, the feet, they were turning red from how much he was getting blocked by some of his guards, it irritated him a bit to know such a beautiful man is being damaged by his guards, he almost screamed right there and then 'stop' to the guards, but he was too focused on catching a glimpse of the rest of his body to even say something. He watched closely his chest, he could see the thing tight fabric embracing his ribs, his nipples almost could be seen, almost, but he still imagined for a second or two how it'd look like without it. As he was about to go to the scarf he saw the man get punched, a firm punch to the face, not even a second later that same man was down with a especially strong quick on the head, he watched the place getting redder and redder as the man left, which were less than ten, where going down with ease. Each of them with a different quick, all going unconscious.

After the man stopped he took at least three seconds to recover, he stood there, sweat running down his body as he looked directly at him, eyes full of life, and angered, he was so ready to kick his ass, and honestly, Dazai didn't even minded, he'd actually thank him. After those three long seconds he straightened himself, hands still on the purple fabric, he walked closer to the Sultan with a smirk "no more mans to defend you?" Dazai smirks at him, clearly amused "well, you see, those were just the ones to keep this room in specific safe, if you were to fight with everyone in here you'd be dead by now" They both stayed still looking at each other, both looking relaxed but obviously not, they were both pretty energised but for different reasons "I only kicked them, I can fight anyone I want, these were just not worth it, they don't deserve to be fought with hands" The thief was pretty nervous, he was looking for something Dazai could be hiding, there was no way he'd be so calm after seeing all he had done and still be relaxed "Honestly, most of them were just muscle heads, but still, not everyone here is like that, I for example am the extreme opposite" Dazai was nervous because he knew the thief was trying to steal him and probably kill him, the second part wasn't really a problem to him but the guards would certainly attack the poor ginger, and with the amount of guards he had not even god himself could fight them, the beautiful boy would die, and not only that but people wouldn't have someone to guide them, he didn't had brothers, not even sisters, he only had himself, his father died when he was only ten making his process of becoming a Sultan quicker, of course it was a desperate call because no ten year old child could understand how to make deals and all of the boring shit he needs to deal, the luck of them was that Dazai was a genius.

Thief? Only of hearts (soukoku BSD thief Chuuya X Sultan Dazai AU)Where stories live. Discover now